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Working with the Centera Connector module

Test that the Centera Connector module is working correctly with SkyVault.
  1. Enable DEBUG logging for the Centera components.

    For example:
  2. Add the xam:archived aspect to the share-config-custom.xml file.

    For example:

       <config evaluator="node-type" condition="cm:content">
                <!-- 2 column template -->
                <edit-form />
                <!-- aspect: cm:storeSelector -->
                <show id="cm:storeName" />
                <!-- aspect: xam:archive -->
                <show id="xam:dateArchived" for-mode="view" />
                <show id="xam:retainUntil" for-mode="view" />
                <show id="cm:content" for-mode="view" />
                   <!-- Store Selector -->
                   <field id="cm:storeName" label="Store Name" description="Content Store Name" />
                   <set id="xam-archive" appearance="bordered-panel" label="XAM Archived" />
                   <field id="xam:dateArchived" label="XAM Date Archived" set="xam-archive" />
                   <field id="xam:retainUntil" label="XAM Retain Until Date" set="xam-archive" />
    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">
                <aspect name="xam:archive" label="XAM Archive" />
  3. View the metadata for the document.

    The new store is shown as xamArchive and the retainedUntil date is set.

  4. Copy the ClipID, and then open the C-Clip using the JCASScript tool.

    For example:

    CASScript>clipopen EQM2GC012MC77e72B24N2MMFU59G418ACSAIE70BAS340TN3E1JJL
    Clip Properties:
      Name:                untitled
      Creation Date:       2013.11.27 01:35:09 GMT
      Size:                13474
      Number of Tags:      1
      Number of Blobs:     1
      Retention Class:    
      Retention Seconds:   86396
      Modified:            False
      EBR Enabled :        False
      Retention Hold:      False
    1. Check that the retention period was set.

      Number of attributes:  17
      Name:   creation.poolid           Value:   861673fa-1dd2-11b2-b535-b66ede9133c1-7
      Name:   retention.period          Value:   86396
      Name:   sdk.version               Value:   3.3.718
      Name:   modification.poolid       Value:   861673fa-1dd2-11b2-b535-b66ede9133c1-7
      Name:   type                       Value:   Standard
      Name:   name                       Value:   untitled
      Name:             Value:   2013.11.27 13:35:09 GMT
      Name:         Value:   2013.11.27 13:35:12 GMT
      Name:   creation.profile          Value:   armtesting
      Name:   modification.profile      Value:   armtesting
      Name:   numfiles                  Value:   1
      Name:   totalsize                 Value:   13474
      Name:   refid                     Value:   E5S2HABU8PRRBAS340TN3E1JJL
      Name:   clusterid                 Value:   25c57a54-1dd2-11b2-b87c-ce625a7031f2
      Name:   prev.clip                 Value:  
      Name:   clip.naming.scheme         Value:   MD5
      Name:   numtags                   Value:   1
    2. Check that the node and application properties have been copied over.

      Select the first tag of the opened C-Clip. For example:

      CASTag Properties:
       Name:                com.alfresco.content
       Has Blob:            True
       Blob Size:           13474
       Number of Attributes:10
       Has Parent:          False
       Has Next Sibling:    False
       Has Child:           False

      Display all the attributes. For example:

      Number of attributes: 10
       Name: modified-date   Value: 1385553402696
       Name: com.alfresco.xam.archive.node.sys:ref         Value: workspace://SpacesStore/51bba786-184b-4d7b-8b2a-da90875e5b16
       Name:             Value: Main Repository
       Name:       Value: 2013-11-27T15:56:27.011+04:00
       Name:           Value: 4.2.0 (28)
       Name:                Value: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/alfresco?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8
       Name: com.alfresco.xam.archive.node.sys:path         Value: /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:test/cm:documentLibrary/cm: abc.txt
       Name:       Value: admin
       Name:         Value: abc.txt
       Name:           Value: SkyVault Software
    3. Type tagClose to close curent tag.
    4. Type clipClose to close current C-Clip.
    5. Type poolClose to close current connection to Centera pool.
  5. Test the folder hierarchy.
    1. Create a folder containing several files and folders,
    2. Apply the xam:archived aspect to the top-level folder.
    3. Check that the aspect has been applied to the entire hierarchy.
    4. Choose one of the files in the hierarchy and check through for a single file from step 1.