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Uninstalling the AMP file

In this task you will learn how to uninstall your AMP file. The installed AMP can be uninstalled at any time using the MMT.
Note: The MMT is included in the SkyVault installers, and it is also available as a separate JAR file from the SkyVault Distribution zip (, in the zip's /bin directory. Place the /bin directory and its contents in the same location that is used by the SkyVault installer (<installdir>/bin).
The syntax for uninstalling an AMP file using the MMT is:
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall <ModuleId> <WARFileLocation>

In this case the ModuleID is com_alfresco_tutorials_photo_search and the WAR file location is tomcat/webapps/SkyVault.

  1. Change into the root directory of your SkyVault installation.
  2. Check for the presence of the module you wish to delete by typing in the following command:

     java -jar ./bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list tomcat/webapps/SkyVault                        

    This will display a list of installed modules. Make a note of the module ID of the module you wish to uninstall, in this case com_alfresco_tutorials_photo_search.

  3. Now, to uninstall the module type the following command:

    java -jar ./bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall com_alfresco_tutorials_photo_search tomcat/webapps/SkyVault                       

    You will see a list of files removed from the WAR.

You have now uninstalled your AMP file.