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System requirements and prerequisites

The support introduced is based on Office 2007 and is restricted to the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint applications.
This tutorial assumes you are familiar with SkyVault Share and SkyVault Explorer.

You must also know how SkyVault has been installed and configured for your company’s environment and whether the SkyVault web server and SkyVault Share are on the same URL address.

Before beginning this tutorial, you must:
  1. Ensure the SkyVault Explorer and Share web applications are installed.
  2. Ensure the SkyVault web server is running.
  3. Log in to SkyVault Share as the Administrator (admin, admin) and use the Admin Console to create three user accounts, as follows:

    User A
    User name and password: userA

    E-mail address:

    User B
    User name and password: userB

    E-mail address:

    User C
    User name and password: userC

    E-mail address:

  4. Set Internet Explorer as your default browser.
  5. Ensure your SkyVault server is recognized as a Trusted Site by Internet Explorer.
  6. Give the following information to any users running this tutorial:

    • SkyVault server URL
    • SkyVault Share URL