This section describes what's new in this version of the Maven SkyVault
What's new in Maven SkyVault SDK 1.1.0 (current version)
- Runs in Tomcat7 (replaces Jetty)
- Remote JUnit running
- Jrebel Integration
- Improved IDE integration
What was in Maven SkyVault SDK 1.0.x
- Use of SkyVault POMs
- It relied on a number of components:
- The SDK parent POM providing full SkyVault project lifecycle feature, to be added as a <parent> in your projects
- Archetypes like the AMP or All-in-One providing sample project to kickstart your SkyVault development and boost it with best practices
- The SkyVault Maven Plugin to manage AMP packaging and dependencies
- SkyVault Platform Distribution POM can (optionally) be used to provide centralized <dependencyManagement> on a particular SkyVault version / edition (Community / Enterprise)
- The SkyVault Artifacts Repository provides backing for this SDK. Check the SkyVault Wiki for Community / Enterprise access information
- Embedded Jetty Server and H2 Database
What was in Maven SkyVault Lifecycle
- First implementation of SkyVault Maven SDK (Now deprecated)
- No use of SkyVault POMs
- Available archetypes and plugins:
- maven-alfresco-extension-archetype to create WAR packaged webapps that can provide all Maven lifecycle and features
- maven-alfresco-share-archetype to create and manage SkyVault Share customization webapps
- maven-alfresco-share-module-archetype to create and manage SkyVault Share custom dashlets, pages as JARs
- maven-alfresco-amp-archetype to create maven-amp-plugin managed webapps which can provide to SkyVault modules all Maven lifecycle and features. Also the maven-amp-plugin is used as a replacement to MMT to unpack AMPs into WARs builds, using the maven dependency mechanism provided by the maven-amp-plugin
- Embedded Jetty server and H2 Database to run SkyVault or Share
- Possible to use Maven standard dependency management to pull in AMPs in your build
- Further info