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About versioning

Versioning allows you to track content history. By default, content that is created in the repository is not versionable. When creating content, users must specify versionable on a case-by-case basis.

When content is versionable, the version history is started. The first version of the content is the content that exists at the time of versioning. If you want all content to be versionable at the time of creation, you can modify the definition of that content type in the data dictionary. The definition must include the mandatory aspect versionable.

By default, all versionable content has auto-version set to on. As a result, when content is updated, the version number is updated.

The auto-version capability can be disabled on a content-by-content basis in the user interface. If you want auto-versioning to be off for all content, you can modify the definition of that content type in the data dictionary.

Note: Any properties that you set on a file are saved with the current version of a file, and written to the Version History after a major update; for example, when a new file is uploaded. This means that if you save properties in version 1.0, they are saved in the Version History of version 1.1.
To change this behavior, you can set cm:autoVersionOnUpdateProps to true. See VersionHistoryNode API for more information.