The VersionHistoryNode is an extension of the
BaseContentNode type. The versionHistory property of the
TemplateNode object returns a sequence of
VersionHistoryNode objects that represent the version history for the
Each VersionHistoryNode objects have the following properties:
Property | Description |
aspects | Returns the list of aspects applied to this node as a set of QNames. |
children | Returns the children of this node as a list of TemplateProperties objects. |
createdDate | Created date of the version. |
creator | Creator of the version. |
description | Version history description. |
id | GUID for the node. |
isMajorVersion | Boolean true if this was a major version. |
name | Name property of the node version record. |
nodeRef | NodeRef string for the node. |
parent | Returns the primary parent of this node. |
properties | Returns a map of the properties of the object. |
title | Get the title of the node. |
type | Fully qualified QName type of the node. |
url | URL to the content stream for the frozen content state. |
versionLabel | Version label of the version record. |
<#assign versionHistoryNodes = node.versionHistory> <#list versionHistoryNodes as vhn> <p>aspects:</p> <ul> <#list vhn.aspects as aspect> <li>${aspect}</li> </#list> </ul> <p>children:</p> <#if vhn.children?exists> <ul> <#list vhn.children as child> <li>${}</li> </#list> </ul> <#else> <p>No children</p> </#if> <p>createDate (and time): ${vhn.createdDate?datetime}</p> <p>creator: ${vhn.creator}</p> <p>description: <#if vhn.description?exists>${vhn.description}<#else>None</#if></p> <p>id: ${}</p> <p>isMajorVersion: <#if vhn.isMajorVersion>TRUE<#else>FALSE</#if></p> <p>name: ${}</p> <p>nodeRef: ${vhn.nodeRef}</p> <p>parent: <#if vhn.parent?exists>${}<#else>None</#if></p> <p>type: ${vhn.type}</p> <p>url: ${vhn.url}</p> <p>versionLabel: ${vhn.versionLabel}</p> <hr/> <p>All properties for the VersionHistoryNode object:</p> <table border=1> <#assign object = vhn> <#assign props => <#list props as t> <#if[t]?exists> <#if[t]?is_date> <tr><td>${t} = ${[t]?date}</td></tr> <#elseif[t]?is_boolean> <tr><td>${t} = ${[t]?string("yes", "no")}</td></tr> <#elseif[t]?is_sequence> <tr><td> <#assign items =[t]> <#assign i = 0> ${t}= <#list items as item> <p>${i}: ${item}</p> <#assign i = i+1> </#list> </td></tr> <#else> <tr><td>${t} = ${[t]}</td></tr> </#if> </#if> </#list> </table> <hr/> <p>content: ${cropContent(, 150)}</p> <hr/> <p>auditable: <#if vhn.hasAspect("cm:auditable")>TRUE<#else>FALSE</#if></p> <p>author: <#if vhn.hasAspect("cm:author")>TRUE<#else>FALSE</#if></p> <p>title: <#if vhn.hasAspect("cm:titled")>TRUE<#else>FALSE</#if></p> <p>taggable: <#if vhn.hasAspect("cm:taggable")>TRUE<#else>FALSE</#if></p> <hr/> </#list>
The preceding code would generate output similar to the following:
aspects: {}auditable {}referenceable {}titled {}renditioned {}taggable {}author {}localized {}discussable {}inlineeditable {}commentsRollup {}versionable children: No children createDate (and time): Jan 9, 2012 2:16:43 PM creator: admin description: None id: 7a37ec71-8b40-44be-be1d-5e2123cf0098 isMajorVersion: FALSE name: TEST nodeRef: versionStore://version2Store/7a37ec71-8b40-44be-be1d-5e2123cf0098 parent: None type: {}content url: /d/d/versionStore/version2Store/7a37ec71-8b40-44be-be1d-5e2123cf0098/TEST versionLabel: 1.8 All properties for the VersionHistoryNode object: {}creator = admin {}author = Tony {}autoVersion = yes {}autoVersionOnUpdateProps = yes {}locale = en_US {}commentCount = 2 {}store-protocol = workspace {}taggable= 0: workspace://SpacesStore/fd353ba5-bfc3-4b32-b178-02206cf48d19 1: workspace://SpacesStore/e8fc0d83-8127-4015-942d-212303112ef1 2: workspace://SpacesStore/d05e3921-063e-4ced-b2ae-dc918ed3e14c 3: workspace://SpacesStore/43aacfb5-899a-4185-83a1-e88f51861d99 4: workspace://SpacesStore/5f8cebc4-ae48-404f-bdb5-5ed2e73aa180 {}editInline = yes {}content = org.alfresco.repo.template.BaseContentNode$TemplateContentData@34df2786 {}title = My sample test program {}node-uuid = eae9d90f-706f-46ba-9cc5-63b31e1e7fcb {}modifier = admin {}name = TEST {}modified = Jan 9, 2012 {}initialVersion = yes {}store-identifier = SpacesStore {}created = Jan 5, 2012 {}node-dbid = 1,927 {}versionLabel = 1.8 {}description = A sample test program content: The first 150 bytes content of the file ... auditable: TRUE author: TRUE title: TRUE taggable: TRUE ...