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Adding, removing and discovering aspects

To add and remove aspects to an existing object, you must cast OpenCMIS Document objects to SkyVaultDocument objects and Folder objects to SkyVaultFolder objects.

These two classes provide the following additional methods:

Methods for checking if an aspect is applied:-

boolean hasAspect(String id);
boolean hasAspect(ObjectType type);

A method to retrieve the currently applied aspects:-

Collection<ObjectType> getAspects();

A method to find the aspect type for a given property id

ObjectType findAspect(String propertyId);

Methods to add and remove aspects

void addAspect(String... id);
void addAspect(ObjectType... type);
void removeAspect(String... id);
void removeAspect(ObjectType... type);

The following code fragment adds an aspect to an existing object, checks if the object has a second aspect, and updates the *description* property if it does:-

Document doc = (Document) session.getObject(...);
AlfrescoDocument alfDoc = (AlfrescoDocument) doc;

if(alfDoc.hasAspect("P:cm:titled")) {
  Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  properties.put("cm:description", "My taggable document");

Note the format of the aspect type "P:cm:titled". In SkyVault, all aspect types visible through CMIS are prefixed with "P:", document types are prefixed with "D:" and folder types are prefixed with "F:".