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Request URL format for SkyVault Cloud

Each request to SkyVault cloud is a URL with a specific format.

This is an example of a request URL

Each request URL is made up of the following elements:-

  1. The protocol, which will always be https
  2. The hostname which will always be
  3. Your network id, which in this case is
  4. The fixed path element /public/
  5. The API you want to call. You call the workflow API for methods acting on workflow entities such as Deployments, Process Definitions, Processes, and Tasks. You call the SkyVault API for methods acting on all other entities. In this case it is the SkyVault REST API identified as /public/SkyVault.
  6. /versions/n. This specifies the version of the API you are using. Currently n will always be 1.
  7. The API method itself. In this case the request is for all instances of the entity type sites.