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Get the details of the specified asset within the specified web project and sandbox

Get the details of the specified asset.
GET /alfresco/service/api/wcm/webprojects/{webprojectref}/sandboxes/{sandboxref}/assets/{path}
GET /alfresco/service/api/wcm/webprojects/{webprojectref}/sandboxes/{sandboxref}/assets/{path}?webApp={webApp?}

If the asset is a folder, includes the children of that folder.

If the asset is a file, gives the size of the file.

If the optional webApp argument is specified then returns the asset relative to that web app e.g. /index.htm

If webApp is not specified then the path is will be absolute e.g. /www/avm_webapps/ROOT/index.htm

Return STATUS_OK, 200

Output - The asset in JSON format

         path, the full path of the asset.
         name, the name of the asset
         createdDate, iso8601,
         modifiedDate,  iso8601,
         isLocked, boolean
         isFile, boolean
         isFolder, boolean
         isDeleted, boolean
	 	 children, JSON array, only present for folder
	 	 fileSize, numeric, only present for files	
The web script description document specifies the following options:
Value Description
json The default response format
user The authentication access
required The transaction level
argument The format style