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The cache element specifies the required caching level. The cache element is optional.

The cache element has the following child elements:

never (optional)

Specifies whether caching should be applied at all. Valid values, which are optional, are as follows:

  • true (default) - specifies the web script response should never be cached.
  • false - specifies the web script response may be cached.

If never is not specified, the default is true.

public (optional)

Specifies whether authneticated responses should be cached in the public cache. Valid values, which are optional, are as follows:

  • true (default) - specifies the web script authenticated response may be cached in a public cache.
  • false - specifies the web script authenticated response may not be cached in a public cache.

If public is not specified, the default is false.

mustrevalidate (optional)

Specifies whether a cache must revalidate its version of the web script response in order to ensure freshness. Valid values, which are optional, are as follows:

  • true (default) - specifies that validation must occur.
  • false - specifies that validation may occur.

If mustrevalidate is not specified, the default is true.

An example usage of the cache element follows:
<webscript kind="org.alfresco.httpsonly"> 
  <shortname>Hello World</shortname>
  <description>Greet a user</description>
  <format default="html">extension</format>
  <authentication runas="fred">user</authentication>
  <negotiate accept="text/html">html</negotiate>
  <negotiate accept="text/xml">xml</negotiate>