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Deleting a content space

Delete a content space to permanently remove it, and its contents, from the repository.
When you choose to delete a space, you specify what you want to delete: the entire space, all of the space contents, or a portion of the space contents. Deleting a space deletes all of its content as well as any rules attached to that space.
  1. Navigate to the space you want to delete.

    The space header displays the name and details of the space to be deleted.

  2. In the More Actions menu, click Delete.
  3. On the Delete Space page, select the appropriate option to indicate what you want to delete:
    • This space and all its contents: deletes the current space and everything contained within it, including any rules defined for or within the space
    • Only the files within this space: deletes the content items contained within the current space; sub spaces and their contents are not deleted
    • Only the folders within this space: deletes the sub spaces contained within the current space; content items residing directly in the current space are not deleted
    • Files and folders within this space: deletes all content (sub spaces and content items) contained within the current space; the space itself is not deleted
  4. Click OK to process the deletion.