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SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module properties

The following properties can be set for the SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module.

Set these properties in the file.

Specifies the full EMC Centera connection string.
Specifies the name of the XAM store that will be used by the xam:archive behavior.
Specifies the number of days to retain a XAM document. Use 0 to ignore; >0 days to retain.

SkyVault can be configured to allow deletes in conflict to the EMC Centera enforce retention periods. A retention period is the time that a C-Clip and its underlying blobs must be stored on an EMC Centera before an application is allowed to delete them. According to configuration, retentionPeriod is set to 1 day. If you switch the server date to 1-2 days ahead on the SkyVault side, this will not result in the expiry of retention periods in the EMC Centera cluster. For this reason, delete is not permitted. You should not change the date/time but wait until this period finished. Change the xam.archive.retentionPeriodDays to be not be greater then system.content.orphanProtectDays. This will prevent the cleaner from deleting non-expired EMC Centera binary content.

Specifies whether to add the cm:lockable aspect automatically. Set to true to apply a lock when the aspect is added; set to false to not apply a lock
xam.archive.cronExpression=0 0 21 * * ?
Specifies a cron expression for the XAM archive cleaner job.
Specifies the pattern for all binding properties. Any property (full property name at time of writing) that does not match will be written as non-binding. For example, vnd\\.com\\.alfresco\\..* will match all properties prefixed with Refer to, also${db.url}
The XAM well-known properties, which will be automatically populated.,,,
The list of global properties to add to the XSet (comma-separated). For example, ${xam.archive.globalPropertiesPrefix} This can be a list of any value that can be set in the file but you should import any required properties using variable replacement to get consistent naming.
Specifies the name of the property against which to store content.
xam.archive.nodePropertiesToWrite=sys:ref, sys:path, cm:name, cm:created, cm:creator, cm:owners
The list of node properties to add to the XSet (comma-separated, namespace-prefixes). For example, ${xam.archive.globalPropertiesPrefix}${xam.archive.nodePropertiesPrefix}cm:name. Properties that are not present on the node are ignored. Implicit properties are generated and can be listed, for example, sys:ref, sys:path.
Specifies whether to move content to the XAM store immediately or as a background job. The aspect xam.archivemodel:archivePending is added to the document, pending the move to the XAM store. Set to false to move the content binaries to XAM as soon as the retention date is set. Set to true to move the content when the scheduled job runs. The default value for this property is false.

Advanced configuration properties
The maximum data size, in bytes, for data to be embedded in the CDF instead of being stored as separate blobs. The default value is 0 bytes, meaning data is never embedded in the CDF. The maximum value is 102400 bytes (100 KB). The value for the embedded data threshold can be set to less than or equal to 102400 bytes.
The maximum number of sockets that the SDK will allocate for your application. Sockets are used to communicate with the Atmos CAS nodes managed in each pool object. The default value is 100. The maximum value is 999.
The size of an internal C-Clip buffer in bytes. The default value is 16*1024. This value must be greater than 0.
The size of the prefetch buffer. This buffer is used to assist in determining the size of the blob. The default size is 32 KB. The maximum size is 1 MB.