The main index and deltas all use the same configuration. The data dictionary settings for properties determine how individual properties are indexed.
If you wish to change the default value of a property, add the relevant property to the file and then make the changes.
Solr 4 index properties
- The host name where the Solr instance is located.
- solr.port=8080
- The port number on which the Solr instance is running.
- solr.port.ssl=8443
- The port number on which the Solr SSL support is running.
- solr.solrUser=solr
- The Solr user name.
- solr.solrPassword=solr
- The Solr password.
- solr.secureComms=https
- The HTTPS connection.
- solr.solrConnectTimeout=5000
- The Solr connection timeouts in ms.
- solr.solrPingCronExpression=0 0/5 * * * ? *
- The cron expression defining how often the Solr Admin client (used by JMX) pings Solr 4 if it goes away.
Data dictionary options
The indexing behavior of each property can be set in the content model. By default, they are indexed atomically. The property value is not stored in the index, and the property is tokenized when it is indexed.
The following example shows how indexing can be controlled.
- Enabled="false"
- If this is false, there will be no entry for this property in the index.
- Atomic="true"
- If this is true, the property is indexed in the transaction, if not the property is indexed in the background.
- facetable="true"
- If true, the property will be used for faceting and if false, you cannot use it for faceting.
- Tokenised="true"
- If "true", the string value of the property is tokenized before indexing.
- if "false", it is indexed "as is" as a single string.
- if "both" then both specified forms are in the index.
<type name="cm:content"> <title>Content</title> <parent>cm:cmobject</parent> <properties> <property name="cm:content"> <type>d:content</type> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <index enabled="true"> <facetable>true</facetable> <atomic>false</atomic> <tokenised>true</tokenised> </index> </property> </properties> </type>
Indexing defaults
<index enabled="true"> <atomic>true</atomic> <stored>false</stored> <tokenised>true</tokenised> </index> ...
Indexing options
transformer.Archive.includeContents=trueThe default setting is false.