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A network is the group of users and sites that belong to an organization. Networks are organized by email domain. When a user signs up for a SkyVault account, their email domain becomes their "Home Network".

Network object

Property Type JSON Type Description
id id string This network's unique id
homeNetwork boolean boolean Is this the home network?
isEnabled boolean boolean Is this network active?
createdAt Date Time String The date time this network was created
quotas array array Limits and usage of each quota. A network will have quotas for File space, the number of sites in the network, the number of people in the network, and the number of network administrators.
paidNetwork boolean boolean Is this a paid network?
subscriptionLevel enumerated string string The type of subscription for this network. Possible values are Free, Standard, and Enterprise

Example of a network object

  "entry" : {
    "id" : "",
    "createdAt" : "2012-06-07T10:22:28.000+0000",
    "quotas" : [ {
      "limit" : 52428800,
      "id" : "fileUploadQuota"
    }, {
      "limit" : 5368709120,
      "usage" : 149102356,
      "id" : "fileQuota"
    }, {
      "limit" : -1,
      "usage" : 29,
      "id" : "siteCountQuota"
    }, {
      "limit" : -1,
      "usage" : 33,
      "id" : "personCountQuota"
    }, {
      "limit" : -1,
      "usage" : 15,
      "id" : "personInternalOnlyCountQuota"
    }, {
      "limit" : 0,
      "usage" : 0,
      "id" : "personNetworkAdminCountQuota"
    } ],
    "paidNetwork" : false,
    "isEnabled" : true,
    "subscriptionLevel" : "Free"

List order

Lists of these entities are returned ordered by ascending id.