The People API provides access to SkyVault people and groups.
- addAuthorityaddAuthority(parentGroup, authority) adds an authority (User or Group ) to the specified parent group.
- changePasswordchangePassword(oldpassword, newpassword) changes the password for the current user only when the old password is supplied.
- createGroup The createGroup methods are used to create groups.
- createPersoncreatePerson creates a person (cm:person) object.
- deleteGroupdeleteGroup(group) removes a group from the system.
- deletePerson The deletePerson(username) method deletes a person with the given user name from the system.
- disableAccountdisableAccount(userName) disables an enabled account. It can be invoked with Administrator authority only.
- enableAccountenableAccount(userName) enables a disabled account. It can be invoked with Administrator authority only.
- getCapabilitiesgetCapabilities(person) returns a hash of the specified user's capabilities.
- getContainerGroupsgetContainerGroups(person) gets the groups that contain the specified authority.
- getExcludeTenantFiltergetExcludeTenantFilter(person) returns a Boolean.
- getGroupgetGroup(groupId) gets a group given its group ID.
- getImmutablePropertiesgetImmutableProperties(username) returns a map of the person properties that are marked as immutable for the given user.
- getMembersgetMembers returns an array of people nodes belonging to the specified group (including all subgroups).
- getPeople The getPeople(...) methods get the collection of people stored in the repository.
- getPeoplePaginggetPeoplePaging() gets the collection of people stored in the repository.
- getPeopleEvaluationModeScriptNode getPeopleEvaluationMode(username) returns the permission evaluation mode.
- getPersonScriptNode getPerson(username) returns a single (cm:person) node associated with the specified user name, or null if the person does not exist.
- getPersonFullNameScriptNode getPersonFullName(username) avoids complete getProperties() retrieval for a cm:person when the script only requires the full name of person.
- isAccountEnabledisAccountEnabled(userName) determines if the specified user's account is enabled.
- isAdminisAdmin(person) determines if the specified user has Administrator authority.
- isGuestisGuest(person) determines if the specified user has Guest authority.
- removeAuthorityremoveAuthority(parentGroup, authority) removes an authority from a group.
- setPasswordsetPassword(userName, password) sets the password for the given user. It is executable with Administrator authority only.
- setQuotasetQuota(person, quota) sets the quota content in bytes for the specified person. It can be invoked only by an Administrator authority.
Parent topic: Scripting API