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Configure SSL between Repository and Solr in an AIO project

The SDK ships with SSL turned off between the SkyVault Repository and the Solr 4 search server. This article explains how to set that up when running an All-in-One (AIO) project.
This task assumes you completed the Installing and Configuring software section and generated an AIO project as described in this section. You will also need access to a SkyVault 5 installation as we need to copy the keystore and Tomcat users file from it.
You will learn how to setup a secure connection (SSL) between the SkyVault Repository web application (alfresco.war) and the Apache Solr 4 web application (alfresco-solr4.war). This is the normal configuration after you have installed SkyVault with a package installer. In the following instructions SkyVault_INSTALL_DIR is the directory path to where you installed SkyVault 5 with the package installer (for example /opt/alfresco5). And AIO_PARENT_DIR points to where the parent project directory is for the All-in-One (AIO) project (for example /home/martin/src/all-in-one).
  1. Stop the embedded Tomcat instance, if it is running.
  2. Copy the Repository keystore to the AIO project.

    Execute the following command to copy the keystore into the runner project:

    {ALFRESCO_INSTALL_DIR}/alf_data$ cp -R keystore/ {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/runner/
    We can now configure the embedded Tomcat instace to use this keystore.
  3. Copy Tomcat users definition to the AIO project.

    Execute the following command to copy the tomcat users file into the runner project:

    {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/runner/tomcat$ mkdir conf
    {ALFRESCO_INSTALL_DIR}/tomcat/conf$ cp tomcat-users.xml {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/runner/tomcat/conf/
    What we do here is first create a directory to hold the tomcat users file. And then we copy the tomcat users file from the SkyVault installation to this new directory in the runner project. This file contains identities for the Repository and Solr applications when setting up SSL connections.
  4. Turn on SSL for Repository.

    Open up the file located in the {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/repo/src/main/properties/local directory. Then update the section about Solr configuration:
    Note. You have to change {AIO_PARENT_DIR} to whatever the parent directory is for your AIO project.
  5. Update the tomcat7-maven-plugin with keystore, port, and Tomcat users

    Open up the pom.xml file located in the {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/runner directory. Then update the plugin configuration as follows:

  6. Change Solr4 configuration package to the one that has SSL enabled.

    Open up the pom.xml file located in the {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/solr-config directory. Then update the dependency and plugin configuration as follows:

    This Solr4 configuration comes preconfigured with SSL enabled, keystore and truststore, including the keystores themselves.
  7. Delete previous "no-ssl" configuration directory.

    {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/alf_data_dev/solr4$ rm -rf config/
    This is so the new SSL enabled configuration is downloaded and installed correctly under alf_data_dev.
  8. Make sure that the SkyVault Repository (alfresco.war) web application is using SSL.

    Open up the pom.xml file located in the {AIO_PARENT_DIR}/repo directory. Then update the maven-war-plugin configuration as follows:

              <!-- <configuration>
    What we do here is just commenting out the web.xml file that we normally use when we don't want to use SSL.
  9. Start it up and make sure it works.

    You should see something like this in the logs:

    {AIO_PARENT_DIR}$ mvn clean install -Prun
    Jun 05, 2015 10:56:33 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
    INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
    Jun 05, 2015 10:56:33 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
    INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8443"]
    Try accessing Share securely: https://localhost:8443/share. Make sure search works by adding a text file with a unique word, then search for it. Then access Solr4 securely: https://localhost:8443/solr4.
You have now setup SSL between the SkyVault Repository and the Solr4 server.