This example uses the Java API NodeService and
ContentService Embedded API to create new content.
This example takes a nodeRef of the folder containing the node, a string to be used for the nodes name, and a string containing the content. A map of metadata data values is created and passed as a parameter to the NodeServer that creates the node. The content is written to the node using the ContentService and returns the node reference for the new node.
Create new content using the Java API with the following code sample
/** * Creates a new content node setting the content provided. * * @param parent the parent node reference * @param name the name of the newly created content object * @param text the content text to be set on the newly created node * @return NodeRef node reference to the newly created content node */ private NodeRef createContentNode(NodeRef parent, String name, String text) { // Create a map to contain the values of the properties of the node Map<QName, Serializable> props = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(1); props.put(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, name); // use the node service to create a new node NodeRef node = this.nodeService.createNode( parent, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, name), ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT, props).getChildRef(); // Use the content service to set the content onto the newly created node ContentWriter writer = this.contentService.getWriter(node, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true); writer.setMimetype(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN); writer.setEncoding("UTF-8"); writer.putContent(text); // Return a node reference to the newly created node return node; }