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Using the Template API to display properties

This example uses an Embedded API (Template API) to display properties for a given document.

The template iterates over all the properties for a node called document and renders the values as appropriate for the data types returned.

The following code (documentProperties.ftl) gets a list that displays all the property names for a document.

 <#-- Get a list of all the property names for the document -->  
 <#assign props =>  
 <#list props as t>
    <#-- If the property exists -->
       <#-- If it is a date, format it accordingly-->
       <tr><td>${t} = ${[t]?date}</td></tr>
       <#-- If it is a boolean, format it accordingly-->
       <tr><td>${t} = ${[t]?string("yes", "no")}</td></tr>
       <#-- Otherwise treat it as a string -->
       <tr><td>${t} = ${[t]}</td></tr>