Exposes the number of groups and users known to the Authority Service.
Attribute name | Example value |
NumberOfGroups | 7 |
NumberOfUsers | 4 |
Exposes the settings for the last run batch job, including the start and end times, number of errors and synchronization settings. There are two types in this bean: FeedNotifier and Synchronization.
Attribute name | Example value |
EndTime | Format: Thu Jul 03 00:00:00 BST 2014 |
StartTime | Format: Thu Jul 03 00:00:00 BST 2014 |
LastError | blank |
TotalErrors | blank |
SuccessfullyProcessedEntries | blank |
TotalResults | blank |
ProcessName | FeedNotifier |
CurrentEntryID | Person admin |
LastErrorEntryID | blank |
PercentComplete | blank |
LastErrorMessage | <null> |
LastRunOnServer | |
SyncEndTime | Format: Thu Jun 26 13:49:45 BST 2014 |
SyncStartTime | Format: Thu Jun 26 13:49:45 BST 2014 |
SynchronizationStatus | COMPLETE |
Exposes statistics for the caches that are available for SkyVault. Cache name follows the pattern org.alfresco.*TransactionalCache. The following attributes are available for each cache:
Attribute name | Example value |
ClearTime | NaN |
Clears | Numeric |
Gets | Numeric |
HitMissRatio | Numeric with decimals |
HitTime | Numeric with decimals |
Hits | Numeric |
MissTime | Numeric with decimals |
Misses | Numeric |
PutTime | Numeric with decimals |
Puts | Numeric |
RemoveTime | NaN |
Removes | Numeric |
- ClearTime
- The mean time, in nanoseconds, for the cache to complete clearing (that is, to empty or drop the entire cache contents).
- Clears
- The number of times that the cache has been cleared (that is, emptied, or dropped).
- Gets
- The number of times that the cache has had a value requested from it. This includes cache hits, where the cache contains a value, but omits where the cache reports that there is no value corresponding to a particular key.
- HitMissRatio
- The hit ratio for the given cache. A value of 1.0 is the maximum indicating that every request has been honored (that is, all GET requests are hits) and 0.0 represents a cache that has never successfully returned a previously cached value (that is, all GET requests are misses) .
- HitTime
- The mean time, in nanoseconds, for GET operations to complete, where a value has been found in the cache.
- Hits
- The number of times that a GET request is successful.
- MissTime
- The mean time, in nanoseconds, for GET requests, where a result is not returned (a miss).
- Misses
- The number of times that a GET request is not successful.
- PutTime
- The mean time, in nanoseconds, for inserting a value into the cache.
- Puts
- The number of times a value is inserted into the cache (a PUT operation).
- RemoveTime
- The mean time, in nanoseconds, for removing a value from cache.
- Removes
- The number of removal operations applied to the cache, where a value is successfully removed from the cache.
Exposes the settings for cloud synchronization, specifically pull and push request statistics.
Attribute name | Example value |
AveragePullRequestTime | 0 |
AveragePushRequestTime | 0 |
CurrentPullRequests | 0 |
CurrentPushRequests | 0 |
PullRequestFailureCount | 0 |
PullRequestSuccessCount | 0 |
PushRequestFailureCount | 0 |
PushRequestSuccessCount | 0 |
TotalPullRequestCount | 0 |
TotalPushRequestCount | 0 |
Exposes information about repository server clustering in SkyVault.
See the SkyVault Admin Console Repository Services > Repository Server Clustering for information about these attributes: http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-clustering.
Attribute name | Example value |
DefaultTransactionIsolation | -1 |
DriverClassName | org.postgresql.Driver |
InitialSize | 10 |
MaxActive | 40 |
MaxIdle | -1 |
MaxWait | -1 |
MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 1800000 |
MinIdle | 0 |
NumActive | 2 |
NumIdle | 8 |
RemoveAbandoned | false |
RemoveAbandonedTimeout | 300 |
TestOnBorrow | false |
TestOnReturn | false |
TestWhileIdle | false |
TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | -1 |
Url | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/SkyVault |
Username | SkyVault |
ValidationQuery | <null> |
- DefaultTransactionIsolation
- The JDBC code number for the transaction isolation level, corresponding to those in the java.sql.Connection class. The special value of -1 indicates that the database's default transaction isolation level is in use and this is the most common setting. For the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver, the special value of 4096 indicates snapshot isolation.
- DriverClassName
- The fully-qualified name of the JDBC driver class.
- InitialSize
- The number of connections opened when the pool is initialized.
- MaxActive
- The maximum number of connections in the pool.
- MaxIdle
- The maximum number of connections that are not in use kept open.
- MaxWait
- The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception (when connections are unavailable) or -1 to wait indefinitely.
- MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis
- The minimum number of milliseconds that a connection can sit idle before it is eligible for eviction.
- MinIdle
- The minimum number of connections in the pool.
- NumActive
- The number connections in use; a useful monitoring metric.
- NumIdle
- The number of connections that are not in use; another useful monitoring metric.
- RemoveAbandoned
- A Boolean that when true indicates that a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been idle longer than the RemoveAbandonedTimeout.
- RemoveAbandonedTimeout
- The time in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed.
- TestOnBorrow
- A boolean that when true indicates that connections will be validated before being borrowed from the pool.
- TestOnReturn
- A boolean that when true indicates that connections will be validated before being returned to the pool.
- TestWhileIdle
- A boolean that when true indicates that connections will be validated while they are idle.
- TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis
- The number of milliseconds to sleep between eviction runs, when greater than zero.
- Url
- The JDBC URL to the database connection.
- Username
- The name used to authenticate with the database.
- ValidationQuery
- The SQL query that will be used to validate connections before returning them.
Allows monitoring of each SkyVault content store. When Type=FileContentStore, the Root attribute of the name holds the file system path to the store. Specific attributes exposed are the total space (and also free space) in the content store, in bytes, and whether the store allows write operations.
Attribute name | Example value |
SpaceFree | 33434923008 |
SpaceTotal | 64422408192 |
WriteSupported | true |
- SkyVault:Name=ContentTransformer,Type=Configuration
- SkyVault:Name=ContentTransformer,Type=ImageMagick
Attribute name | Example value |
ContextNames | [ , doclib , index , webpreview , syncRule , asyncRule ] |
CustomePropertyNames | content.transformer.PdfBox.extensions.pdf.txt.maxSourceSizeKBytes |
ExtensionsAndMimetypes | [ 3fr - image/x-raw-hasselblad , 3g2 - video/3gpp2 , 3gp - video/3gpp , acp - application/acp , aep - application/vnd.adobe.aftereffects.project , aet - application/vnd.adobe.aftereffects.template , ai - application/illustrator , aiff - audio/x-aiff , air - application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip , apk - application/vnd.android.package-archive , arw - image/x-raw-sony , asf - video/x-ms-asf , asnd - audio/vnd.adobe.soundbooth , au - audio/basic , avi - video/x-msvideo , avx - video/x-rad-screenplay , bcpio - application/x-bcpio , bin - application/octet-stream , bmp - image/bmp , cdf - application/x-netcdf , cer - application/x-x509-ca-cert , cgm - image/cgm , class - application/java , cpio - application/x-cpio , cr2 - image/x-raw-canon , csh - application/x-csh , css - text/css , csv - text/csv , dita - application/dita+xml , dng - image/x-raw-adobe , doc - application/msword , docm - application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroenabled.12 , docx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document , dotm - application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroenabled.12 , dotx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template , dvi - application/x-dvi , dwg - image/vnd.dwg , dwt - image/x-dwt , eml - message/rfc822 , eps - application/eps , etx - text/x-setext , fla - application/x-fla , flac - audio/x-flac , flv - video/x-flv , fm - application/framemaker , fxp - application/x-zip , gif - image/gif , gml - application/sgml , gtar - application/x-gtar , gzip - application/x-gzip , hdf - application/x-hdf , hqx - application/mac-binhex40 , html - text/html , ics - text/calendar , ief - image/ief , indd - application/x-indesign , jp2 - image/jp2 , jpg - image/jpeg , js - application/x-javascript , json - application/json , k25 - image/x-raw-kodak , key - application/vnd.apple.keynote , latex - application/x-latex , m4a - audio/mp4 , m4v - video/x-m4v , man - application/x-troff-man , md - text/x-markdown , me - application/x-troff-me , mif - application/x-mif , mov - video/quicktime , movie - video/x-sgi-movie , mp3 - audio/mpeg , mp4 - video/mp4 , mpeg2 - video/mpeg2 , mpg - video/mpeg , mpp - application/vnd.ms-project , mrw - image/x-raw-minolta , ms - application/x-troff-mes , msg - application/vnd.ms-outlook , mw - text/mediawiki , nef - image/x-raw-nikon , numbers - application/vnd.apple.numbers , oda - application/oda , odb - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database , odc - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart , odf - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula , odg - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics , odi - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image , odm - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master , odp - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation , ods - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet , odt - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text , oga - audio/ogg , ogg - audio/vorbis , ogv - video/ogg , ogx - application/ogg , orf - image/x-raw-olympus , otg - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template , oth - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web , otp - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template , ots - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template , ott - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template , pages - application/vnd.apple.pages , pbm - image/x-portable-bitmap , pdf - application/pdf , pef - image/x-raw-pentax , pgm - image/x-portable-graymap , pmd - application/pagemaker , png - image/png , pnm - image/x-portable-anymap , potm - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroenabled.12 , potx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template , ppam - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroenabled.12 , ppj - image/vnd.adobe.premiere , ppm - image/x-portable-pixmap , ppsm - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroenabled.12 , ppsx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow , ppt - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint , pptm - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroenabled.12 , pptx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation , prn - application/remote-printing , ps - application/postscript , psd - image/vnd.adobe.photoshop , r3d - image/x-raw-red , raf - image/x-raw-fuji , ras - image/x-cmu-raster , rgb - image/x-rgb , rss - application/rss+xml , rtf - application/rtf , rtx - text/richtext , rw2 - image/x-raw-panasonic , rwl - image/x-raw-leica , sda - application/vnd.stardivision.draw , sdc - application/vnd.stardivision.calc , sdd - application/vnd.stardivision.impress , sdp - application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed , sds - application/vnd.stardivision.chart , sdw - application/vnd.stardivision.writer , sgl - application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global , sgml - text/sgml , sh - application/x-sh , shar - application/x-shar , sldm - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slide.macroenabled.12 , sldx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide , smf - application/vnd.stardivision.math , src - application/x-wais-source , stc - application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template , sti - application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template , stw - application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template , sv4cpio - application/x-sv4cpio , sv4crc - application/x-sv4crc , svg - image/svg+xml , sxc - application/vnd.sun.xml.calc , sxd - application/vnd.sun.xml.draw , sxi - application/vnd.sun.xml.impress , sxw - application/vnd.sun.xml.writer , tar - application/x-tar , tcl - application/x-tcl , tex - application/x-tex , texinfo - application/x-texinfo , tiff - image/tiff , tr - application/x-troff , ts - video/mp2t , tsv - text/tab-separated-values , txt - text/plain , ustar - application/x-ustar , vsd - application/vnd.visio , wav - audio/x-wav , webm - video/webm , wma - audio/x-ms-wma , wmv - video/x-ms-wmv , wpd - application/wordperfect , wrl - x-world/x-vrml , x3f - image/x-raw-sigma , xbm - image/x-xbitmap , xdp - application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml , xhtml - application/xhtml+xml , xlam - application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroenabled.12 , xls - application/vnd.ms-excel , xlsb - application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroenabled.12 , xlsm - application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12 , xlsx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet , xltm - application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroenabled.12 , xltx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template , xml - text/xml , xpm - image/x-xpixmap , xwd - image/x-xwindowdump , z - application/x-compress , zip - application/zip ] |
TestFileExtensionsAnd Mimetypes |
[ 3g2 - video/3gpp2 , 3gp - video/3gpp , acp - application/acp , asf - video/x-ms-asf , avi - video/x-msvideo , bmp - image/bmp , doc - application/msword , docx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document , eml - message/rfc822 , eps - application/eps , flv - video/x-flv , gif - image/gif , html - text/html , jpg - image/jpeg , m4a - audio/mp4 , m4v - video/x-m4v , mov - video/quicktime , mp3 - audio/mpeg , mp4 - video/mp4 , mpg - video/mpeg , msg - application/vnd.ms-outlook , odf - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula , odg - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics , odp - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation , ods - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet , odt - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text , ogg - audio/vorbis , ogv - video/ogg , otg - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template , otp - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template , ots - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template , ott - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template , pdf - application/pdf , png - image/png , ppt - application/vnd.ms-powerpoint , pptx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation , sda - application/vnd.stardivision.draw , sdc - application/vnd.stardivision.calc , sdd - application/vnd.stardivision.impress , sdw - application/vnd.stardivision.writer , smf - application/vnd.stardivision.math , sxc - application/vnd.sun.xml.calc , sxd - application/vnd.sun.xml.draw , sxi - application/vnd.sun.xml.impress , sxw - application/vnd.sun.xml.writer , tar - application/x-tar , tiff - image/tiff , txt - text/plain , vsd - application/vnd.visio , webm - video/webm , wma - audio/x-ms-wma , wmv - video/x-ms-wmv , wpd - application/wordperfect , xls - application/vnd.ms-excel , xlsx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet , xml - text/xml , zip - application/zip ] |
TransformerNames | [ Archive , BinaryPassThrough , HtmlParser , ImageMagick , JodConverter , JodConverter.2Pdf , JodConverter.Html2Pdf , MediaWikiParser , OOXML , OOXMLThumbnail , Office , OutlookMsg , PdfBox , PdfBox.TextToPdf , Poi , RFC822 , StringExtracter , TextMining , TikaAuto , complex.Any.Image , complex.JodConverter.Image , complex.JodConverter.PdfBox , complex.OutlookMsg2Image , complex.PDF.Image, complex.Text.Image , complex.iWorks.Image , double.ImageMagick , iWorksQuicklooks ] |
Attribute name | Example value |
Available | true |
VersionString | Version: ImageMagick 6.8.6-6 2013-07-16 Q8 http://www.imagemagick.org |
Attribute name | Example value |
CustomModelsStatistics | [] |
Attribute name | Example value |
DatabaseMajorVersion | 9 |
DatabaseMinorVersion | 2 |
DatabaseProductName | PostgreSQL |
DatabaseProductVersion | 9.2.4 |
DriverMajorVersion | 9 |
DriverMinorVersion | 0 |
DriverName | PostgreSQL Native Driver |
DriverVersion | PostgreSQL 9.0 JDBC4 (build 802) |
JDBCMajorVersion | 4 |
JDBCMinorVersion | 0 |
StoresLowerCaseIdentifiers | true |
StoresLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers | false |
StoresMixedCaseIdentifiers | false |
StoresMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers | false |
StoresUpperCaseIdentifiers | false |
StoresUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers | false |
URL | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/SkyVault |
UserName | SkyVault |
- SkyVault:Name=Encryption,Type=Key Store
- SkyVault:Name=ContentTransformer,Type=SSL Key Store
- SkyVault:Name=ContentTransformer,Type=SSL Trust Store
Attribute name | Example value |
BackupLocation | C:/Alfresco/alf_data/keystore/backup-keystore |
Location | C:/Alfresco/alf_data/keystore/keystore |
Attribute name | Example value |
BackupLocation | <not readable> |
Location | C:/Alfresco/alf_data/keystore/ssl.keystore |
Attribute name | Example value |
BackupLocation | <not readable> |
Location | C:/Alfresco/alf_data/keystore/ssl.truststore |
Allows management and monitoring of the CIFS and FTP servers configured in SkyVault. See the SkyVault Admin Console Virtual File Systems - File Servers for information about these attributes: http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-fileservers.
Attribute name | Example value |
; | default filesystem target configuration |
;Where | should the root of the web project be stored, by default /www/avm_webapps |
V2.1-A.fixes.to.schema | 0 |
activities.feed.fetchBatchSize | 150 |
activities.feed.generator.jsonFormatOnly | true |
activities.feed.max.ageMins | 44640 |
activities.feed.max.idRange | 1000000 |
activities.feed.max.size | 200 |
activities.feedNotifier.batchSize | 200 |
activities.feedNotifier.numThreads | 2 |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.bufferSize | 2048 |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.connectTimeout | 10000 |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.host | blank |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.httpConnectionStalecheck | true |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.httpTcpNodelay | true |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.inboundHeaders | X-Alfresco-Authenticator-Key,X-Alfresco-Remote-User |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.outboundHeaders | Authorization,key |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.port | 443 |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.prefixUrl | /publicapi |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.protocol | https |
SkyVault.authentication.gateway.readTimeout | 120000 |
SkyVault.cluster.enabled | true |
SkyVault.cluster.hostname | ${localname} |
SkyVault.cluster.interface | blank |
SkyVault.cluster.max.init.retries | 50 |
SkyVault.cluster.nodetype | "Repository server" |
SkyVault.clusterCheck.timeout | 4000 |
SkyVault.context | SkyVault |
SkyVault.hazelcast.autoinc.port | false |
SkyVault.hazelcast.configLocation | classpath:alfresco/hazelcast/hazelcast-tcp.xml |
SkyVault.hazelcast.ec2.accesskey | my-access-key |
SkyVault.hazelcast.ec2.region | us-east-1 |
SkyVault.hazelcast.ec2.secretkey | my-secret-key |
SkyVault.hazelcast.ec2.securitygroup | blank |
SkyVault.hazelcast.ec2.tagkey | type |
SkyVault.hazelcast.ec2.tagvalue | hz-nodes |
SkyVault.hazelcast.mancenter.enabled | false |
SkyVault.hazelcast.mancenter.url | http://localhost:8080/mancenter |
SkyVault.hazelcast.password | SkyVaultcluster |
SkyVault.hazelcast.port | 5701 |
SkyVault.hazelcast.tcp.config | <members></members> |
SkyVault.host | |
SkyVault.port | 8080 |
SkyVault.protocol | http |
SkyVault.rmi.services.external.host | |
SkyVault.rmi.services.port | 50500 |
SkyVault.rmi.services.retries | 4 |
SkyVault_user_store.adminpassword | 209c6174da490caeb422f3fa5a7ae634 |
SkyVault_user_store.adminusername | admin |
SkyVault_user_store.guestusername | guest |
SkyVault_user_store.store | user://alfrescoUserStore |
SkyVault_user_store.system_container.childname | sys:system |
SkyVault_user_store.user_container.childname | sys:people |
audit.alfresco-access.enabled | false |
audit.alfresco-access.sub-actions.enabled | false |
audit.cmischangelog.enabled | false |
audit.config.strict | false |
audit.dod5015.enabled | false |
audit.enabled | true |
audit.filter.alfresco-access.default.enabled | false |
audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.path | ~/sys:archivedItem;~/ver:;.* |
audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.type | cm:folder;cm:content;st:site |
audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.user | ~System;~null;.* |
audit.tagging.enabled | true |
authentication.chain | SkyVaultNtlm1:alfrescoNtlm |
authentication.ticket.expiryMode | AFTER_INACTIVITY |
authentication.ticket.ticketsExpire | true |
authentication.ticket.useSingleTicketPerUser | true |
authentication.ticket.validDuration | PT1H |
authority.useBridgeTable | true |
bulkImport.batch.batchSize | 20 |
bulkImport.batch.numThreads | 4 |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.aclEntitySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.aclSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.aclSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.aclSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.aclSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.aclSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.aclSharedCache.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.aclSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.aclSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.aclSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 20000 |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.authenticationSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 100 |
cache.authorityEntitySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.authoritySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.authoritySharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.authoritySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.authoritySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.authoritySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.authoritySharedCache.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.authoritySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.authoritySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.authoritySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache. maxIdleSeconds |
0 |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.maxItems | 40000 |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.authorityToChildAuthoritySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 40000 |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmEntitySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmNodeAspectsSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmNodeSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.avmStoreSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.avmVersionRootEntityCache.tx.maxItems1 | 100 |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.avmVersionRootEntitySharedCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.cluster.type | local |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.maxIdleSeconds | 86400 |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.cachingContentStoreCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.caveatConfigCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.caveatConfigCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.caveatConfigCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.caveatConfigCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.caveatConfigCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.caveatConfigCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.caveatConfigCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.caveatConfigCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.caveatConfigCache.tx.maxItems | 100 |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.compiledModelsSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.maxItems | 130000 |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.contentDataSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 65000 |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.cluster.type | local |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.contentDiskDriver.fileInfoCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.executingActionsCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.executingActionsCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.executingActionsCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.executingActionsCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.executingActionsCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.executingActionsCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.executingActionsCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.executingActionsCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.globalConfigSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.maxItems | 2000 |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.imapMessageSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.immutableEntitySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.maxItems | 12000 |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.immutableSingletonSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 12000 |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache. maxIdleSeconds |
0 |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.loadedResourceBundlesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.messagesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.messagesSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.messagesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.messagesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.messagesSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.messagesSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.messagesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.messagesSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.messagesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.allRootNodesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 500 |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.cluster.type | local |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.maxItems | 130000 |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.aspectsSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 65000 |
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cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.cluster.type | local |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.maxItems | 130000 |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.childByNameSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 65000 |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.maxItems | 250000 |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.nodesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 125000 |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.maxItems | 130000 |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.parentAssocsSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.cluster.type | local |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.maxItems | 130000 |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.propertiesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 65000 |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.node.rootNodesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.maxItems | 40000 |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.nodeOwnerSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 40000 |
cache.nodeRulesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 2000 |
cache.permissionEntitySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.maxItems | 50000 |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.permissionsAccessSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.personSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.personSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.personSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.personSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.personSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.personSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.personSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.personSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.personSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.propertyUniqueContextSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.propertyValueCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.propertyValueCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.propertyValueCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.propertyValueCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.propertyValueCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.propertyValueCache.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.propertyValueCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.propertyValueCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.propertyValueCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.publicapi.webScriptsRegistryCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.readersDeniedSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.readersSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
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cache.readersSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.readersSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.readersSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.readersSharedCache.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.readersSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.readersSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.readersSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache. maxIdleSeconds |
0 |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.remoteAlfrescoTicketService.ticketsCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.resourceBundleBaseNamesSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.cluster.type | local |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.routingContentStoreSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 10000 |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.samlTrustEngineSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.siteNodeRefSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.tagscopeSummarySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.tenantEntitySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 1000 |
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cache.ticketsCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.ticketsCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.ticketsCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.ticketsCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.ticketsCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.ticketsCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.ticketsCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.maxItems | 5000 |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.userToAuthoritySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 100 |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.webScriptsRegistrySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.cluster.type | fully-distributed |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache. maxIdleSeconds |
0 |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.maxItems | 1000 |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache. timeToLiveSeconds |
0 |
cache.webServicesQuerySessionSharedCache.tx.maxItems | 50 |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.backup-count | 1 |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.cluster.type | invalidating |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.eviction-percentage | 25 |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.eviction-policy | LRU |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.maxIdleSeconds | 0 |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.maxItems | 500 |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.merge-policy | hz.ADD_NEW_ENTRY |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.timeToLiveSeconds | 0 |
cache.zoneToAuthoritySharedCache.tx.maxItems | 500 |
content.metadataExtracter.default.timeoutMs | 20000 |
content.metadataExtracter.parseShapes | false |
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db.driver | org.postgresql.Driver |
db.name | SkyVault |
db.password | admin |
db.pool.abandoned.detect | false |
db.pool.abandoned.log | false |
db.pool.abandoned.time | 300 |
db.pool.evict.idle.min | 1800000 |
db.pool.evict.interval | 600000 |
db.pool.evict.num.tests | -1 |
db.pool.evict.validate | false |
db.pool.idle | 10 |
db.pool.initial | 10 |
db.pool.max | 275 |
db.pool.min | 10 |
db.pool.statements.enable | true |
db.pool.statements.max | 40 |
db.pool.validate.borrow | true |
db.pool.validate.query | blank |
db.pool.validate.return | false |
db.pool.wait.max | -1 |
db.schema.name | blank |
db.schema.stopAfterSchemaBootstrap | false |
db.schema.update | true |
db.schema.update.lockRetryCount | 24 |
db.schema.update.lockRetryWaitSeconds | 5 |
db.txn.isolation | -1 |
db.url | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/${db.name} |
db.username | SkyVault |
default.async.action.corePoolSize | 8 |
default.async.action.maximumPoolSize | 20 |
default.async.action.threadPriority | 1 |
deployment.avm.name | avm |
deployment.avm.rootPath | /www/avm_webapps |
deployment.avm.storeNamePattern | %storeName%-live |
deployment.dmr.consolidate | true |
deployment.dmr.name | SkyVault |
deployment.filesystem.autofix | true |
deployment.filesystem.datadir | ${deployment.filesystem.rootdir}/depdata |
deployment.filesystem.default.metadatadir | ${deployment.filesystem.metadatadir}/default |
deployment.filesystem.default.name | filesystem |
deployment.filesystem.default.rootdir | ./www |
deployment.filesystem.errorOnOverwrite | false |
deployment.filesystem.logdir | ${deployment.filesystem.rootdir}/deplog |
deployment.filesystem.metadatadir | ${deployment.filesystem.rootdir}/depmetadata |
deployment.filesystem.rootdir | ./wcm |
deployment.service.corePoolSize | 2 |
deployment.service.maximumPoolSize | 3 |
deployment.service.numberOfSendingThreads | 5 |
deployment.service.targetLockRefreshTime | 60000 |
deployment.service.targetLockTimeout | 3600000 |
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dir.cachedcontent | ${dir.root}/cachedcontent |
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dir.indexes | ${dir.root}/lucene-indexes |
dir.indexes.backup | ${dir.root}/backup-lucene-indexes |
dir.indexes.lock | ${dir.indexes}/locks |
dir.keystore | ${dir.root}/keystore |
dir.license.external | C:/SkyVault |
dir.root | C:/Alfresco/alf_data |
domain.name.caseSensitive | false |
domain.separator | blank |
download.cleaner.maxAgeMins | 60 |
download.cleaner.repeatIntervalMins | 60 |
download.cleaner.startDelayMins | 60 |
download.maxContentSize | 2152852358 |
encryption.bootstrap.reencrypt | false |
encryption.cipherAlgorithm | DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding |
encryption.keyAlgorithm | DESede |
encryption.keySpec.class |
org.alfresco.encryption. DESEDEKeyGenerator |
encryption.keystore.backup.keyMetaData.location | ${dir.keystore}/backup-keystore-passwords.properties |
encryption.keystore.backup.location | ${dir.keystore}/backup-keystore |
encryption.keystore.backup.provider | blank |
encryption.keystore.backup.type | JCEKS |
encryption.keystore.keyMetaData.location | ${dir.keystore}/keystore-passwords.properties |
encryption.keystore.location | ${dir.keystore}/keystore |
encryption.keystore.provider | blank |
encryption.keystore.type | JCEKS |
encryption.mac.algorithm | HmacSHA1 |
encryption.mac.messageTimeout | 30000 |
encryption.reencryptor.chunkSize | 100 |
encryption.reencryptor.numThreads | 2 |
encryption.ssl.keystore.keyMetaData.location | ${dir.keystore}/ssl-keystore-passwords.properties |
encryption.ssl.keystore.location | ${dir.keystore}/ssl.keystore |
encryption.ssl.keystore.provider | blank |
encryption.ssl.keystore.type | JCEKS |
encryption.ssl.truststore.keyMetaData.location | ${dir.keystore}/ssl-truststore-passwords.properties |
encryption.ssl.truststore.location | ${dir.keystore}/ssl.truststore |
encryption.ssl.truststore.provider | blank |
encryption.ssl.truststore.type | JCEKS |
fileFolderService.checkHidden.enabled | true |
ftp.enabled | false |
ftp.port | 21 |
fts.indexer.batchSize | 1000 |
hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys | false |
home.folder.creation.disabled | false |
home.folder.creation.eager | true |
home_folder_provider_synchronizer.enabled | false |
home_folder_provider_synchronizer.keep_empty_parents | false |
home_folder_provider_synchronizer.override_provider | blank |
hybridworkflow.enabled | false |
imap.attachments.folder.folderPath | ${spaces.imap_attachments.childname} |
imap.attachments.folder.rootPath | /${spaces.company_home.childname} |
imap.attachments.folder.store | ${spaces.store} |
imap.attachments.mode | SEPARATE |
imap.config.home.folderPath | ${spaces.imap_home.childname} |
imap.config.home.rootPath | /${spaces.company_home.childname} |
imap.config.home.store | ${spaces.store} |
imap.config.server.mountPoints | SkyVaultIMAP |
imap.config.server.mountPoints.default.modeName | ARCHIVE |
imap.config.server.mountPoints.default.mountPointName | IMAP |
imap.config.server.mountPoints.default.rootPath | ${protocols.rootPath} |
imap.config.server.mountPoints.default.store | ${spaces.store} |
imap.config.server.mountPoints.value.AlfrescoIMAP. modeName |
imap.config.server.mountPoints.value.AlfrescoIMAP. mountPointName |
SkyVault IMAP |
imap.server.attachments.extraction.enabled | true |
imap.server.enabled | false |
imap.server.port | 143 |
img.coders | ${img.root}\modules\coders |
img.config | ${img.root}\config |
img.dyn | ${img.root}/lib |
img.exe | ${img.root}\convert.exe |
img.gslib | ${img.root}\lib |
img.root | C:\Alfresco\imagemagick |
index.backup.cronExpression | 0 0 3 * * ? |
index.recovery.maximumPoolSize | 5 |
index.recovery.mode | VALIDATE |
index.recovery.stopOnError | false |
index.reindexMissingContent.cronExpression | * * * * * ? 2099 |
index.subsystem.name | solr |
index.tracking.adm.cronExpression | ${index.tracking.cronExpression} |
index.tracking.avm.cronExpression | ${index.tracking.cronExpression} |
index.tracking.cronExpression | 0/5 * * * * ? |
index.tracking.disableInTransactionIndexing | false |
index.tracking.maxRecordSetSize | 1000 |
index.tracking.maxTxnDurationMinutes | 10 |
index.tracking.minRecordPurgeAgeDays | 30 |
index.tracking.purgeSize | 7200000 |
index.tracking.reindexLagMs | 1000 |
jodconverter.enabled | true |
jodconverter.officeHome | C:/Alfresco/libreoffice/App/libreoffice |
jodconverter.portNumbers | 8100 |
kerberos.authentication.cifs.enableTicketCracking | false |
location.license.embedded | /WEB-INF/alfresco/license/*.lic |
location.license.external | file://${dir.license.external}/*.lic |
location.license.shared | classpath*:/alfresco/extension/license/*.lic |
mail.service.corePoolSize | 8 |
mail.service.maximumPoolSize | 20 |
mbean.server.locateExistingServerIfPossible | true |
monitor.rmi.service.enabled | true |
monitor.rmi.service.port | 50508 |
mybatis.useLocalCaches | false |
nodes.bulkLoad.cachingThreshold | 10 |
notification.email.siteinvite | false |
ooo.enabled | false |
ooo.exe | C:/Alfresco/libreoffice/App/libreoffice/program/soffice.exe |
ooo.port | 8100 |
ooo.user | ${dir.root}/oouser |
opencmis.activities.enabled | true |
opencmis.connector.default.objectsDefaultDepth | 100 |
opencmis.connector.default.objectsDefaultMaxItems | 10000 |
opencmis.connector.default.openHttpSession | false |
opencmis.connector.default.rootPath | /${spaces.company_home.childname} |
opencmis.connector.default.store | ${spaces.store} |
opencmis.connector.default.typesDefaultDepth | -1 |
opencmis.connector.default.typesDefaultMaxItems | 500 |
opencmis.context.override | false |
opencmis.context.value | false |
opencmis.server.override | false |
opencmis.server.value | blank |
opencmis.servletpath.override | false |
opencmis.servletpath.value | blank |
orphanReaper.lockRefreshTime | 60000 |
orphanReaper.lockTimeOut | 3600000 |
people.search.honor.hint.useCQ | true |
policy.content.update.ignoreEmpty | true |
protocols.rootPath | /${spaces.company_home.childname} |
protocols.storeName | ${spaces.store} |
publishing.root | ${publishing.root.path}/${spaces.publishing.root.childname} |
publishing.root.path | /app:company_home/app:dictionary |
replication.enabled | false |
repo.remote.endpoint | /service |
repository.name | Main Repository |
sample.site.disabled | false |
security.anyDenyDenies | true |
server.maxusers | -1 |
server.setup.transaction.max-retries | 40 |
server.setup.transaction.max-retry-wait-ms | 15000 |
server.setup.transaction.min-retry-wait-ms | 15000 |
server.setup.transaction.wait-increment-ms | 10 |
server.transaction.allow-writes | true |
server.transaction.max-retries | 40 |
server.transaction.max-retry-wait-ms | 2000 |
server.transaction.min-retry-wait-ms | 100 |
server.transaction.mode.default | PROPAGATION_REQUIRED |
server.transaction.mode.readOnly | PROPAGATION_REQUIRED, readOnly |
server.transaction.wait-increment-ms | 100 |
server.web.transaction.max-duration-ms | 0 |
share.context | share |
share.host | |
share.port | 8080 |
share.protocol | http |
shutdown.backstop.enabled | false |
shutdown.backstop.timeout | 10000 |
solr.cmis.alternativeDictionary | DEFAULT_DICTIONARY |
solr.host | localhost |
solr.max.host.connections | 40 |
solr.max.total.connections | 40 |
solr.port | 8080 |
solr.port.ssl | 8443 |
solr.secureComms | https |
solr.solrConnectTimeout | 5000 |
solr.solrPassword | solr |
solr.solrPingCronExpression | 0 0/5 * * * ? * |
solr.solrUser | solr |
solr.store.mappings |
solrMappingAlfresco, solrMappingArchive |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingAlfresco.baseUrl | /solr/SkyVault |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingAlfresco. httpClientFactory |
solrHttpClientFactory |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingAlfresco.identifier | SpacesStore |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingAlfresco.protocol | workspace |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingArchive.baseUrl | /solr/archive |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingArchive. httpClientFactory |
solrHttpClientFactory |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingArchive.identifier | SpacesStore |
solr.store.mappings.value.solrMappingArchive.protocol | archive |
spaces.archive.store | archive://SpacesStore |
spaces.company_home.childname | app:company_home |
spaces.content_forms.childname | app:forms |
spaces.dictionary.childname | app:dictionary |
spaces.emailActions.childname | app:email_actions |
spaces.extension_webscripts.childname | cm:extensionwebscripts |
spaces.guest_home.childname | app:guest_home |
spaces.imapConfig.childname | app:imap_configs |
spaces.imap_attachments.childname | cm:Imap Attachments |
spaces.imap_home.childname | cm:Imap Home |
spaces.imap_templates.childname | app:imap_templates |
spaces.inbound_transfer_records.childname | app:inbound_transfer_records |
spaces.models.childname | app:models |
spaces.nodetemplates.childname | app:node_templates |
spaces.publishing.root.childname | app:publishing_root |
spaces.rendition.rendering_actions.childname | app:rendering_actions |
spaces.replication.replication_actions.childname | app:replication_actions |
spaces.savedsearches.childname | app:saved_searches |
spaces.scheduled_actions.childname | cm:Scheduled Actions |
spaces.scripts.childname | app:scripts |
spaces.searchAction.childname | cm:search |
spaces.shared.childname | app:shared |
spaces.sites.childname | st:sites |
spaces.store | workspace://SpacesStore |
spaces.templates.childname | app:space_templates |
spaces.templates.content.childname | app:content_templates |
spaces.templates.email.activities.childname | cm:activities |
spaces.templates.email.childname | app:email_templates |
spaces.templates.email.following.childname | app:following |
spaces.templates.email.invite.childname | cm:invite |
spaces.templates.email.invite1.childname | app:invite_email_templates |
spaces.templates.email.notify.childname | app:notify_email_templates |
spaces.templates.email.workflowemailnotification.childname | cm:workflownotification |
spaces.templates.rss.childname | app:rss_templates |
spaces.transfer_groups.childname | app:transfer_groups |
spaces.transfer_temp.childname | app:temp |
spaces.transfers.childname | app:transfers |
spaces.user_homes.childname | app:user_homes |
spaces.user_homes.regex.group_order | blank |
spaces.user_homes.regex.key | userName |
spaces.user_homes.regex.pattern | blank |
spaces.wcm.childname | app:wcm |
spaces.wcm_content_forms.childname | app:wcm_forms |
spaces.wcm_deployed.childname | cm:wcm_deployed |
spaces.webscripts.childname | cm:webscripts |
spaces.workflow.definitions.childname | app:workflow_defs |
subsystems.test.beanProp | inst1,inst2,inst3 |
subsystems.test.beanProp.default.anotherStringProperty | Global Default |
subsystems.test.beanProp.default.longProperty | 123456789123456789 |
subsystems.test.beanProp.value.inst2.boolProperty | true |
subsystems.test.beanProp.value.inst3.anotherStringProperty | Global Instance Default |
subsystems.test.simpleProp2 | true |
subsystems.test.simpleProp3 | Global Default3 |
sync.checkLicenseForSyncMode | true |
sync.cloud.url | https://a.alfresco.me/alfresco/a/{network}/ |
sync.mode | ON_PREMISE |
sync.pullJob.enabled | true |
sync.pushJob.enabled | true |
system.acl.maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis | 10000 |
system.acl.maxPermissionChecks | 1000 |
system.authorities_container.childname | sys:authorities |
system.bootstrap.config_check.strict | true |
system.cache.disableImmutableSharedCaches | false |
system.cache.disableMutableSharedCaches | false |
system.cache.parentAssocs.limitFactor | 8 |
system.cache.parentAssocs.maxSize | 130000 |
system.certificate_container.childname | sys:samlcertificate |
system.content.caching.cacheOnInbound | true |
system.content.caching.contentCleanup.cronExpression | 0 0 3 * * ? |
system.content.caching.maxDeleteWatchCount | 1 |
system.content.caching.maxFileSizeMB | 0 |
system.content.caching.maxUsageMB | 4096 |
system.content.caching.minFileAgeMillis | 60000 |
system.content.contentUrlConverter.batchSize | 500 |
system.content.contentUrlConverter.cronExpression | * * * * * ? 2099 |
system.content.contentUrlConverter.runAsScheduledJob | false |
system.content.contentUrlConverter.threadCount | 2 |
system.content.deletionFailureAction | IGNORE |
system.content.eagerOrphanCleanup | false |
system.content.maximumFileSizeLimit | blank |
system.content.orphanCleanup.cronExpression | 0 0 4 * * ? |
system.content.orphanProtectDays | 14 |
system.descriptor.childname | sys:descriptor |
system.descriptor.current.childname | sys:descriptor-current |
system.downloads_container.childname | sys:downloads |
system.enableTimestampPropagation | true |
system.filefolderservice.defaultListMaxResults | 5000 |
system.hibernateMaxExecutions | 20000 |
system.integrity.enabled | true |
system.integrity.failOnViolation | true |
system.integrity.maxErrorsPerTransaction | 5 |
system.integrity.trace | false |
system.maximumStringLength | -1 |
system.metadata-query-indexes.ignored | true |
system.patch.sharedFolder.cronExpression | 0 0 0 ? 1 1 2030 |
system.patch.sharedFolder.deferred | false |
system.people_container.childname | sys:people |
system.quickshare.enabled | true |
system.readpermissions.bulkfetchsize | 1000 |
system.readpermissions.optimise | true |
system.remote_credentials_container.childname | sys:remote_credentials |
system.store | system://system |
system.syncset_definition_container.childname | sys:syncset_definitions |
system.system_container.childname | sys:system |
system.thumbnail.definition.default.maxPages | -1 |
system.thumbnail.definition.default.maxSourceSizeKBytes | -1 |
system.thumbnail.definition.default.pageLimit | 1 |
system.thumbnail.definition.default.readLimitKBytes | -1 |
system.thumbnail.definition.default.readLimitTimeMs | -1 |
system.thumbnail.definition.default.timeoutMs | -1 |
system.thumbnail.generate | true |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.docx | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.odp | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.ods | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.odt | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.pdf | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.pptx | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.txt | -1 |
system.thumbnail.mimetype.maxSourceSizeKBytes.xlsx | -1 |
system.thumbnail.quietPeriod | 604800 |
system.thumbnail.quietPeriodRetriesEnabled | true |
system.thumbnail.redeployStaticDefsOnStartup | true |
system.thumbnail.retryCount | 2 |
system.thumbnail.retryPeriod | 60 |
system.usages.clearBatchSize | 0 |
system.usages.enabled | false |
system.usages.updateBatchSize | 50 |
system.webdav.activities.enabled | false |
system.webdav.renameShufflePattern | (.*/\..*)|(.*[a-f0-9]{8}+$)|(.*\.tmp$)|(.*\.wbk$)|(.*\.bak$)|(.*\~$)|(.*backup.*\.do[ct]{1}[x]?[m]?$) |
system.webdav.rootPath | ${protocols.rootPath} |
system.webdav.servlet.enabled | true |
system.webdav.storeName | ${protocols.storeName} |
system.webdav.url.path.prefix | blank |
system.workflow.deployWorkflowsInTenant | true |
system.workflow.deployservlet.enabled | false |
system.workflow.engine.activiti.definitions.visible | true |
system.workflow.engine.activiti.idblocksize | 100 |
system.workflow.maxAuthoritiesForPooledTasks | 500 |
system.workflow.maxGroupReviewers | 0 |
system.workflow.maxPooledTasks | -1 |
system.workflow_container.childname | sys:workflow |
system.zones_container.childname | sys:zones |
ticket.cleanup.cronExpression | 0 0 * * * ? |
transferservice.receiver.enabled | false |
transferservice.receiver.lockRefreshTime | 60000 |
transferservice.receiver.lockRetryCount | 3 |
transferservice.receiver.lockRetryWait | 100 |
transferservice.receiver.lockTimeOut | 300000 |
transferservice.receiver.stagingDir | ${java.io.tmpdir}/alfresco-transfer-staging |
transformer.Archive.includeContents | false |
trashcan.MaxSize | 1000 |
urlshortening.bitly.api.key | R_ca15c6c89e9b25ccd170bafd209a0d4f |
urlshortening.bitly.url.length | 20 |
urlshortening.bitly.username | brianSkyVault |
user.name.caseSensitive | false |
version.store.deprecated.lightWeightVersionStore | workspace://lightWeightVersionStore |
version.store.enableAutoVersioning | true |
version.store.migrateCleanupJob.batchSize | 1 |
version.store.migrateCleanupJob.threadCount | 3 |
version.store.migrateVersionStore.batchSize | 1 |
version.store.migrateVersionStore.cronExpression | * * * * * ? 2099 |
version.store.migrateVersionStore.limitPerJobCycle | -1 |
version.store.migrateVersionStore.runAsScheduledJob | false |
version.store.migrateVersionStore.threadCount | 3 |
version.store.onlyUseDeprecatedV1 | false |
version.store.version2Store | workspace://version2Store |
version.store.versionComparatorClass | blank |
wcm.rename.max.time.milliseconds | 2000 |
webscripts.encryptTempFiles | false |
webscripts.memoryThreshold | 4194304 |
webscripts.setMaxContentSize | 4294967296 |
webscripts.tempDirectoryName | WebScripts |
xforms.formatCaption | true |
Exposes the parameters of the SkyVault Enterprise license.
See the SkyVault Admin Console General > License for information about these attributes: http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-license.
Log4jHierarchy is an instance of the HierarchyDynamicMBean class provided with log4j that allows adjustments to be made to the level of detail included in the SkyVault server logs.
All read only attributes are prefixed with logger=org.alfresco. and the default value is the same as the attribute name, for example, logger=org.alfresco.cmis is the name and default value of the CMIS logger.
The editable threshold attribute is discussed in JMX editable management beans.
Attribute name | Example value |
Applied | true |
PatchId | patch.db-V4.2-metadata-query-indexes |
Attribute name | Example value |
AllModules | Format (a composite table containing the details of all modules currently
installed):[ [ Attribute Name Attribute Value ---------------------------------------------------- module.description SkyVault Docs Integration module.id org.alfresco.integrations.google.docs module.installDate 2014-06-20T09:43:17.773+01:00 module.installState INSTALLED module.repo.version.max 999 module.repo.version.min 4.2.0 module.title SkyVault Google Docs Integration module.version 2.0.6 ] ] |
MissingModules | [] |
Attribute name | Example value |
AppliedPatches | Format (a composite table containing the details of all patches currently
installed):[ [ Attribute Name Attribute Value ---------------------------------------------------- appliedOnDate Fri Jun 20 09:47:59 BST 2014 appliedToSchema 6052 appliedToServer 4.2.1 (r63452-b50) - Enterprise description Migrate old Tenant attributes fixesFromSchema 0 fixesToSchema 0 id patch.migrateAttrTenants report Not relevant to schema 6,052 succeeded true targetSchema 1 wasExecuted false ] ] |
Attribute name | Example value |
MaxUsers | -1 |
ReadOnly | false |
TicketCountAll | 2 |
TicketCountNonExpired | 2 |
UserCountAll | 2 |
UserCountNonExpired | 2 |
Exposes metadata about the SkyVault repository. There are three types:
- SkyVault:Name=RepositoryDescriptor,Type=Current: exposes information about the current repository installation.
- SkyVault:Name=RepositoryDescriptor,Type=Initially Installed: exposes information about the initial repository installation, before any patches or upgrades were installed.
- SkyVault:Name=RepositoryDescriptor,Type=Server: exposes information about the current server version, as contained in the SkyVault war file. This instance should be used to determine the properties of the server.
See the SkyVault Admin Console General > Repository Information for information about these attributes: http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-repositoryinfo.
Attribute name | Example value |
ActionStatistics | [] |
RunningActionCount | 0 |
RunningActions | [] |
Attribute name | Example value |
AvailableProcessors | 8 |
AvailableProcessorsFreeMemory | 391222616 |
MaxMemory | 778502144 |
TotalMemory | 778502144 |
Allows monitoring of the individual triggers, i.e. scheduled jobs, running in the Quartz scheduler. The attributes have various default settings but share the following meanings:
- Group
- The name of the schedule group that owns the trigger. Typically DEFAULT.
- Type
- The type of trigger, typically MonitoredCronTrigger or MonitoredSimpleTrigger. Triggers of different types have different properties.
- Trigger
- The name of the trigger itself. Must be unique within the group.
All instances have the following properties:
- CalendarName
- The name of the scheduling Calendar associated with the trigger, or null if there is not one.
- Description
- An optional textual description of the trigger.
- EndTime
- The time after which the trigger will stop repeating, if set.
- FinalFireTime
- The time at which the last execution of the trigger is scheduled, if applicable.
- Group
- The name of the schedule group that owns the trigger.
- JobGroup
- The name of the schedule group that owns the job executed by the trigger.
- JobName
- The name of the job executed by the trigger.
- MayFireAgain
- A Boolean that when true indicates that it is possible for the trigger to fire again.
- Name
- The name of the trigger.
- NextFireTime
- The next time at which the trigger will fire.
- PreviousFireTime
- The previous time at which the trigger fired.
- Priority
- A numeric priority that decides which trigger is executed before another in the event of a 'tie' in their scheduled times.
- StartTime
- The time at which the trigger should start.
- State
- The current state of the trigger.
- Volatile
- A Boolean that when true indicates that the trigger will not be remembered when the JVM is restarted.
When Type=MonitoredCronTrigger, the following additional properties are available:
- CronExpression
- A unix-like expression, using the same syntax as the cron command, that expresses when the job should be scheduled.
- TimeZone
- The name of the time zone to be used to interpret times.
If Type=MonitoredSimpleTrigger, the following additional properties are available:
- RepeatCount
- The number of times the job should repeat, after which it will be removed from the schedule. A value of -1 means repeat indefinitely.
- RepeatInterval
- The time interval in milliseconds between job executions.
- TimesTriggered
- The number of times the job has been run.
- SkyVault:Name=SolrIndexes,Core=SkyVault: exposes information about the current index directory.
- SkyVault:Name=SolrIndexes,Core=archive: exposes information about the archive index directory.
Attribute name | Example value |
Current | true |
DataDirectory | C:\Alfresco\alf_data\solr\archive\SpacesStore\ |
HasDeletions | false |
IndexInstanceDirectory | org.apache.lucene.store.SimpleFSDirectory:org.apache.lucene. store.SimpleFSDirectory@C:\Alfresco\alf_data\solr\archive\SpacesStore\index |
InstanceDirectory | C:\Alfresco\alf_data\solr\archive-SpacesStore\ |
LastModified | Format: Thu Sep 24 14:32:30 BST 2015 |
MaxDocument | 940 |
NumDocuments | 940 |
Optimized | true |
StartTime | Format: Mon Oct 12 10:36:20 BST 2015 |
Uptime | 364362 |
Version | 1403253989735 |
Exposes all the system properties of the JVM. The set of standard system properties is documented on the Apache website.
See the SkyVault Admin Console System Summary for information about these attributes: http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-systemsummary.
Exposes information about the workflow management interface for Activiti definitions and tasks. Only the read-only attributes for SkyVault:Name=WorkflowInformation are shown in this table. For information about the editable attributes, see JMX editable management beans.
Attribute name | Example value |
ActivitiEngineEnabled | true |
ActivitiWorkflowDefinitionsVisible | true |
NumberOfActivitiTaskInstances | 0 |
NumberOfActivitiWorkflowDefinitionsDeployed | 9 |
NumberOfActivitiWorkflowInstances | 0 |