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Automatic dumps

Schema dumps are performed automatically on SkyVault server startup, if changes in database schema are detected.

Schema dumps are XML representations of the RDBMS schema. They should conform to the XSD: The XSD file is embedded in the repository.

A schema dump is performed automatically during repository server startup if there were changes made to the database schema. The SkyVault log will indicate if any dumps were performed - entries such as these will be present:

2012-01-30 17:46:58,517  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [main] Normalized schema dumped to file
2012-01-30 17:46:58,518  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [main] Normalized schema dumped to file
2012-01-30 17:46:58,518  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [main] Normalized schema dumped to file
2012-01-30 17:46:58,519  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [main] Normalized schema dumped to file

Similar entries for the post-upgrade files will also be present.

Note: The legacy tool is still included and will create dumps of its own - the log messages look similar but should not be confused with the new format dumps.
Note: JBPM has been removed from SkyVault. Schema dump will ignore any JBPM tables and not treat their presence or absence as an error.