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Running an advanced audit query

You can use or edit this advanced audit query example.
This type of query URL makes use of a data path within the audit application. This allows entries to be found that match specific audited values. By default, query values are treated as case-sensitive string types, but it is possible to specify the type to query against.
  1. Generate some audit data.
  2. Connect to SkyVault.
  3. Attempt a failed login as joe.

    $ curl -u admin:password "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/audit/query/AuditExampleLogin1/auditexamplelogin1/login/error/user?verbose=true&value=joe"
    $ curl -u admin:password "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/audit/query/AuditExampleLogin1/auditexamplelogin1/login/error/user?verbose=true&value=JOE"