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Responding to contact page submissions

To easily track comments and queries originating from the contact page, submission of this form on the website triggers a simple workflow in Share. This results in the creation of a task that appears in the My Tasks dashlet on the personal dashboard. By default, the task is assigned to the administrative user.
This task assumes you have customized your personal dashboard to display the My Tasks dashlet and that you have submitted a comment on the contact page of the Quick Start website.
  1. Click My Dashboard on the Share toolbar.

    The My Tasks dashlet displays a task of the type Handle Contact Task for each form submitted on the contact page of the Quick Start website.

    Note: Each task listed has a related item in the Visitor Feedback data list.
  2. Position your cursor over a Handle Contact Request task to display the available actions.
  3. Click Edit Task.

    The Edit Task page displays the details for the selected task. The Items list includes a link to the content created at the time the contact form was submitted.

  4. In the Items list, click the link provided to display its content.

    The properties section of the details page displays the information submitted by the visitor: name, email address, subject, and comment.

  5. When you have reviewed and addressed the comment, return to the Edit Task page to update the details: Comment, Due Date, Percent Complete, Priority, and Status.
  6. On the Edit Task page, complete the task as appropriate:
    • If the task is incomplete and you will continue to work on it yourself, click Save and Close.
    • If the task is incomplete and you want to assign it to another user, click Reassign.
    • If the task is complete, click Task Done.

    Completed and reassigned tasks are removed from the My Tasks dashlet.