You can integrate the Document Transformation Server with monitoring tools; for example,
Nagios or Hyperic, by using HTTP REST calls.
The tool should call the Document Transformation Server URL with a set of parameters, and then monitor the response.
Two calls are available:-
Connection tester call
This call is also used by the SkyVault Transformation Client to test availability. It checks the transformation service is up and responding.
- URL: http://<transformation-host>:<port>/transformation-server/service/transform/v1/version
- HTTP Method: GET
- Make sure that you include basic authentication credentials to your call.
Transformation execution call
This call gets an Office file from the Transformation Service to check whether the transformation engine is still functioning (the Transformation Service makes an internal post, but the HTTP method is still a GET call).This can be used for more in-depth monitoring.
- URL: http://<transformation-host>:<port>/transformation-server/service/transform/v1/available
- HTTP Method: GET
- Make sure that you include basic authentication credentials to your call.