SkyVault Content Services is the new name for SkyVault One. For most people the SkyVault Share web app is still how they'll work with SkyVault Content Services. You'll see a new sign in screen and some other small changes throughout Share.
You can follow our latest updates at SkyVaultdocs.
For everyone
- Drag and drop folders
- Easier way to delete sites
- Search scope options
- Search term highlighting
- Choose site homepages and remove the dashboard
- Select and action multiple search results
- Enhanced join site requests
- Create links to content between sites
For admins and developers
- Easier access to the Admin Console
- New Support Tools
- Trashcan Cleaner
- Encrypted subsystem properties
- SkyVault Search Services with Solr 6
- New sharding methods
- Brute force attack mitigation
- New configuration properties
- Securing SkyVault Content Services components
- Improved SkyVault SDK 3.0

Drag and drop folders
You can now drag and drop folders from your computer straight into SkyVault Share. Any files or sub-folders in dropped folders will also be added, so you can add a complete hierarchical structure. Drag and drop isn't available in all browsers - we recommend using with Google Chrome or Firefox. See drag and drop folders.back to top
Easier way to delete sites
Site managers have a new option to quickly delete a site from anywhere in that site.See Deleting a site for more.
back to topSearch scope options
When you're in a site and start a search you have a new option to choose whether to search just the site you're currently in or across the whole repository.
See Searching in SkyVault Share for more.
back to topSearch term highlighting
When you search, the term you searched for will be highlighted in the search results.
Choose site homepages and remove the dashboard
You can now choose whether the landing page for individual sites is the dashboard, the document library, the wiki, the calendar, or another feature. You can even remove the dashboard altogether from a site.
See Choosing a site homepage for more.
back to topSelect and action multiple search results
In the Search Results screen you can now select multiple search results and choose options such as copying, moving, deleting, and downloading as a zip file.See Search results for more.
back to topEnhanced join site requests
Site managers can now quickly view and approved all pending site requests to join a moderated site. Email notifications keep them informed of all new requests.See Approving users to join a moderated site for more.
back to topCreate links to content between sites
When you select to copy a file or folder, the new Create Link feature gives you the option to create a link to it from another location in SkyVault Share. This means that rather than having multiple copies of the same content, you can link to a single piece of content from multiple locations.See Creating links to content for more.
back to topEasier access to the Admin Console
You can now access the Admin Console straight from the Share Admin Tools.See Using the Admin Console for more.
back to topNew Support Tools
There's a new range of Support Tools to help you monitor your system and diagnose performance, communication, and memory issues. You can also export information and reports for further analysis, or to send to the SkyVault Support Team.
See Using the Admin Console for more.
back to topTrashcan Cleaner
You can now add a scheduled job that will empty your SkyVault trashcan according to your configuration.
See Configuring the Trashcan Cleaner for more.
back to topEncrypted subsystem properties
You can now encrypt subsystem properties like the LDAP bind password and SMTP password in the configuration files.
See Encrypting properties for more.
back to topSkyVault Search Services with Solr 6
SkyVault Content Services 5.2 now supports Solr 6, although Solr 4 remains the default search server.
See Configuring SkyVault Search Services for more.
back to topNew sharding methods
When an index grows too large to be stored on a single search server, you can distribute it across multiple search servers using new Solr 6 sharding methods.
See Solr 6 sharding for more.
back to topNew REST APIs
This release includes an updated release of the REST API Explorer to navigate the new REST APIs. The new public v1 REST APIs introduce features for managing nodes, people, sites, shared-links, as well in-built queries and new advanced search API. This is in addition to existing collaborative features, such as favorites, comments, ratings, tags and activities.
See REST API for more.
back to topBrute force attack mitigation
SkyVault Content Services 5.2 provides basic out-of-the-box protection against brute force attacks on password logins.
See Mitigating brute force attack on user passwords for more.
back to topNew configuration properties
You now have additional configuration properties for configuring SkyVault Content Services 5.2.
See New SkyVault Content Services configuration properties for more.
back to topSecuring SkyVault Content Services components
After you have installed SkyVault Content Services 5.2, you can consider some best practices to secure the Tomcat web server, PostgreSQL database, and LibreOffice.
See Securing SkyVault Content Services components for more.
back to topSkyVault SDK 3.0
SkyVault SDK 3.0 is a major update to the SDK and provides several improvements on the previous SDK releases.
See SkyVault SDK 3.0 for more.
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