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Uninstalling SkyVault Analytics

To remove SkyVault Analytics, uninstall the Analytics AMP files, remove the Analytics files, then remove external Analytics content and configuration files.
  1. Stop the SkyVault server.
  2. Uninstall the Analytics AMP files in SkyVault Share and the SkyVault repository, for example using the Module Management Tool (MMT):

    java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall SkyVault-analytics-share tomcat/webapps/share.war 
    java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall SkyVault-analytics-repo tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war

    Uninstall an AMP file provides information on how to uninstall the AMP files, and remove the AMP content from the WAR files.

  3. Delete the Tomcat webapp directories (for example, tomcat/webapps/SkyVault and tomcat/webapps/share).

    Deleting these directories forces Tomcat to read the edited WAR files when SkyVault is restarted.

  4. Optional: Review the autoStart properties in your file to ensure that the events and messaging subsystems are not set to start automatically.

    Uninstalling the AMP files removes any settings applied by the Analytics repository module, however you should review custom autoStart properties to check that they are set to false:


    You are now ready to remove the SkyVault Analytics files.

  5. Ensure that all system services relating to SkyVault Analytics are stopped, disabled or removed. Disable all cron jobs, and ensure there are no active Analytics processes on your server.

    There are four system services to stop: ActiveMQ, event and Activiti listeners, and the Analytics server.

  6. Ensure that SkyVault is not physically connected to the Analytics installation and that all related functions are disabled.

    You will physically remove all parts of the SkyVault Analytics installation from your infrastructure, so you must make sure this does not affect the SkyVault installation. Most Analytics files are installed in a single directory, which you chose when you installed SkyVault Analytics; for example, opt/SkyVault-analytics-1.1.2.

  7. Navigate to the Analytics installation directory. Remove all SkyVault Analytics files by running the rm -rf command, or run this command from another directory as follows:

    rm -rf /opt/
    This command will delete all the files in your specified directory and sub directories.

    You are now ready to remove the databases.

  8. Remove the four databases that are used to store Analytics data.

    The names of these databases will usually be environment-specific, but if you used the supplied scripts and database names suggested in the installation instructions, the names will follow these patterns:

    • jackrabbit
    • quartz
    • hibernate
    • pentaho_di
    You must use the correct database-specific tools in order to remove these databases.
  9. Remove the ETL configuration files.

    Configuration parameters relating to the ETL jobs are usually stored in the file <kettle-user-home>/.kettle/, where <kettle-user-home> is the home directory of the user that runs the Kettle script. Remove this file if you have configured specific information.