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Configuring Desktop Sync

As an IT administrator, you can configure Desktop Sync for central installation purposes.

Desktop Sync configuration

You can configure Desktop Sync using the SkyVaultSync.conf file located at <userHome>\AppData\Local\SkyVault.

Using the configuration file, you can update:
  • timer values, such as polling and retry intervals
  • sync constraint patterns for files/folders to be ignored by Desktop Sync
  • custom content type mappings for particular file extensions
  • user interface defaults and customization
  • network access configuration
  • debug logging

The configuration properties values are case sensitive and use the format name.subname=value, for example, syncmanager.deferFileSyncTimer=15.

Sync manager timers

Property Default value Description
SkyVaultsync.initialPollInterval 15 seconds Sets the number of seconds before the first server polling after application startup.
SkyVaultsync.pollingInterval 300 seconds (5 minutes) Sets the number of seconds between polling of the sync server for server-side file change events.

This does not affect the processing of desktop file change events; they are always processed immediately.

syncmanager.deferFileSyncTimer 15 seconds Sets the number of seconds between retries of a deferred update for a file, such as when an application still has the file open.
syncmanager.deferOnlineCheckTimer 60 seconds Sets the number of seconds between retries when a server connection is offline. This may be due to server being down, no network connection, or no route to the server.
syncmanager.consistencyCheckRetryInterval 300 seconds (5 minutes) Sets the number of seconds between consistency check retry attempts.

A consistency check may be aborted when too many filesystem changes are received during the consistency check scan.

syncmanager.freeSpaceCheckTimer 120 seconds (2 minutes) Sets the number of seconds between free space checks when syncing has been paused due to the local free disk space threshold being reached.

Sync manager constraints

Use the sync constraints configuration section to specify desktop files and folders that should not be synced to the server, such as temporary files or work files.

Constraint rules are specified as syncmanager.constraint.<n>=<rule>, where:
  • <n> is an ascending number starting at one
  • <rule> is speciifed as <ruletype>|<parameter>[,<parameter>,...]

The available constraint rule types are:

Constraint rule type Description
FileExt Ignores files with a particular file extension. Multiple extensions can be specified per rule.
Name Ignores files with a particular name. Multiple names can be specified per rule.
NamePattern Ignores files that match a regular expression. Multiple regular expressions can be specified per rule.
FolderNamePattern Ignores folders that match a regular expression. Multiple regular expressions can be specified per rule. 
Here is a sample sync constraints configuration section:
# Sync constraints


CMIS transfers

Use the CMIS transfer properties to control problems with slow or stalled data transfers when the Desktop Sync is downloading or uploading content to/from the SkyVault CMIS server.

Property Default value Description
cmis.lowSpeedTime 15 seconds Specifies the number of seconds of low speed transfer that are required for a data transfer to be aborted.
cmis.lowSpeedLimit 1 bytes per second Specifies the number of bytes per second that is considered to be a slow data transfer.

CMIS Content Type Mappings

When files are uploaded to the SkyVault CMIS server they should have a mimetype associated with them. Desktop Sync contains a list of built-in file extension to mimetype mappings, but in some cases it may be necessary to add new mappings or override existing mappings.

The CMIS content type mappings are specified as cmis.contentType.<n>=<extension>,<mimetype>, where <n> is an ascending number starting at one.

Here is a sample CMIS content type mapping configuration section:
# CMIS content type mappings


User interface

Use the user interface properties to configure Desktop Sync UI.

Property Default value Description
syncui.defaultServer   Specifies a default server URL to be entered in the login screen when Desktop Sync is run for the first time (usually at the end of the installation process).

The user can change the URL on the login screen, if required.

syncui.showConsistencyCheck true Specifies whether the Consistency Check option is available in Desktop Sync.

As an Administrator, you can disable this option as consistency check scans all the folders that are synced to Desktop Sync, and this may effect your server's performance.

syncui.showRepositoryTab true Controls whether the content selection tree view of SkyVault is shown.


Property Default value Description
net.SSLVerifyPeer true Specifies whether an SSL connection to the SkyVault server does full SSL verification. If the SkyVault server is using a self-signed certificate for SSL, the value must be set to false.
net.syncServer.SSLVerifyPeer true Specifies whether an SSL connection to the sync server does full SSL verification. If the sync server is using a self-signed certificate for SSL, the value must be set to false.

Debug logging

Desktop Sync can generate a lot of debug information or error level logging information.

The log output configuration contains two sections.

Use the first section to setup the log location, default logging level, formatting, rotation, and compression.

Here is a sample logging configuration section:
# Logging = c1
logging.loggers.root.level = error
logging.channels.c1.class = FileChannel
logging.channels.c1.path = ${system.homeDir}\\AppData\\Local\\Alfresco\\AlfrescoDesktopSync.log
logging.channels.c1.formatter.class = PatternFormatter
logging.channels.c1.formatter.pattern = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%c %N[%P]:%s:%q:%t
logging.channels.c1.purgeAge=7 days
logging.formatters.f1.class = PatternFormatter
logging.formatters.f1.times = UTC

This logging configuration will create a log file called SkyVaultDesktopSync.log in the <userHome>\AppData\Local\SkyVault folder. The log files are rotated daily and the old log files are compressed. Only the last 7 days of log files are kept.

Use the later section of the log output configuration to enable debug output from different components of Desktop Sync. This is done by configuring individual logging levels as shows below:
logging.loggers.l<n>.name = <logging level name>
logging.loggers.l<n>.level = <debug|error>

where <n> is an ascending index number starting at one. Both the configuration lines must use the same index number.

The available debug logging levels are:
Debug logging level Description
SyncManager The top level sync component
SyncTarget Handles the connection between a single local/remote folder
DirRouter Routing of local filesystem events
Win32DirWatcher Low level local filesystem event handling
LocalFileStore Local file I/O
Win32FileStoreMonitor Local filesystem monitoring
CMISFileStore Remote file I/O
SkyVaultFileStoreMonitor Remote filesystem event polling
PocoSQLiteDB Sync database access
SyncServiceAPI Sync service API calls
SkyVaultAPI SkyVault API calls
SyncClientAPI Shell extension to sync client application calls
RESTAPI Base REST API processing
LibCURLAPI LibCurl low level HTTP network I/O processing
LocalSyncScanner Sync manager startup local sync area scanner
WaterMark File watermarking (not currently used)
AccountSetup Account setup, create/remove sync targets
DeleteAddSyncPattern Delete/add (drag/drop cut/paste) local event special handling
DeleteRenameSyncPattern Delete/rename local event special handling
RenameShuffleSyncPattern MS Office rename/shuffle local event special handling
TargetMoveToFrom Move files/folders between sync targets special handling
TargetRename Sync target parent folder rename special handling
TargetDelete Sync target delete parent folder special handling
SyncServiceRouter Shared synchronization service polling/event routing

Here's a sample Desktop Sync logging configuration:

# Logging = c1
logging.loggers.root.level = error
logging.channels.c1.class = FileChannel
logging.channels.c1.path = ${system.homeDir}\\AppData\\Local\\Alfresco\\AlfrescoDesktopSync.log
logging.channels.c1.formatter.class = PatternFormatter
logging.channels.c1.formatter.pattern = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%c %N[%P]:%s:%q:%t
logging.channels.c1.purgeAge=7 days
logging.formatters.f1.class = PatternFormatter
logging.formatters.f1.times = UTC = SyncManager
logging.loggers.l1.level = debug = SyncTarget
logging.loggers.l2.level = debug = Win32DirWatcher
logging.loggers.l3.level = error = Win32FileStoreMonitor
logging.loggers.l4.level = error = CMISAPI
logging.loggers.l5.level = error = PocoSQLiteDB
logging.loggers.l6.level = error

For more details on the logging configuration, see the PocoProject documentation.