The tables give details of registered file types with information about their available transform options.
localhost:8080 is the host and port number of your active SkyVault
instance.Audio and video files are transformable using FFmpeg. Image files are transformable using ImageMagick. The formats listed are in addition to the standard formats as specified in Transformation options.
application/eps - eps, image/bmp - bmp, image/cgm - cgm, image/gif - gif, image/ief - ief, image/jp2 - jp2, image/jpeg - jpg, image/png - png, image/tiff - tiff, image/vnd.adobe.photoshop - psd, image/vnd.adobe.premiere - ppj, image/x-dwg - dwg, image/x-dwt - dwt, image/x-portable-anymap - pnm, image/x-portable-bitmap - pbm, image/x-portable-graymap - pgm, image/x-portable-pixmap - ppm, image/x-raw-adobe - dng, image/x-raw-canon - cr2, image/x-raw-fuji - raf, image/x-raw-hasselblad - 3fr, image/x-raw-kodak - k25, image/x-raw-leica - rwl, image/x-raw-minolta - mrw, image/x-raw-nikon - nef, image/x-raw-olympus - orf, image/x-raw-panasonic - rw2, image/x-raw-pentax - pef, image/x-raw-red - r3d, image/x-raw-sigma - x3f, image/x-raw-sony - arw, image/x-rgb - rgb, image/x-xpixmap - xpm and image/x-xwindowdump - xwd
Format | Transformable from: |
video/mp2t | X |
video/mp4 | X |
video/mpeg | X |
video/ogg | X |
video/quicktime | X |
video/webm | X |
video/x-flv | X |
video/x-m4v | X |
video/x-ms-asf | X |
video/x-ms-wmv | X |
video/x-msvideo | X |
audio/basic - au, audio/mp4 - m4a, audio/mpeg - mp3, audio/ogg - oga, audio/vorbis - ogg, audio/x-aiff - aiff, audio/x-flac - flac, audio/x-ms-wma - wma, audio/x-wav - wav
All file types are transformable into and from the following formats, excepting themselves (i.e. audio/mp4 is not transformable into audio/mp4, or from audio/mp4).
Format | Transformable to: | Transformable from: |
application/mxf | X | |
audio/basic | X | X |
audio/mp4 | X | X |
audio/mpeg | X | X |
audio/ogg | X | X |
audio/vorbis | X | X |
audio/x-aiff | X | X |
audio/x-flac | X | X |
audio/x-ms-wma | X | X |
audio/x-wav | X | X |
video/mp2t | X | |
video/mp4 | X | |
video/mpeg | X | |
video/ogg | X | |
video/quicktime | X | |
video/webm | X | |
video/x-flv | X | |
video/x-m4v | X | |
video/x-ms-asf | X | |
video/x-ms-wmv | X | |
video/x-msvideo | X |
video/mp2t - ts, video/mp4 - mp4, video/mpeg - mpg, video/ogg - ogv, video/quicktime - mov, video/x-msvideo - avi, video/webm - webm, video/x-flv - flv, video/x-m4v - m4v, video/x-ms-asf - asf, video/x-ms-wmv - wmv, and video/x-msvideo - avi
Format | Transformable to: | Transformable from: |
application/eps | X | |
audio/basic | X | |
audio/mp4 | X | |
audio/mpeg | X | |
audio/ogg | X | |
audio/vorbis | X | |
audio/x-aiff | X | |
audio/x-flac | X | |
audio/x-ms-wma | X | |
audio/x-wav | X | |
image/bmp | X | |
image/cgm | X | |
image/gif | X | |
image/ief | X | |
image/jp2 | X | |
image/jpeg | X | |
image/png | X | |
image/tiff | X | |
image/vnd.adobe.photoshop | X | |
image/vnd.adobe.premiere | X | |
image/x-cmu-raster | X | |
image/x-dwt | X | |
image/x-portable-anymap | X | |
image/x-portable-bitmap | X | |
image/x-portable-graymap | X | |
image/x-portable-pixmap | X | |
image/x-raw-adobe | X | |
image/x-raw-canon | X | |
image/x-raw-fuji | X | |
image/x-raw-hasselblad | X | |
image/x-raw-kodak | X | |
image/x-raw-leica | X | |
image/x-raw-minolta | X | |
image/x-raw-nikon | X | |
image/x-raw-olympus | X | |
image/x-raw-panasonic | X | |
image/x-raw-pentax | X | |
image/x-raw-red | X | |
image/x-raw-sigma | X | |
image/x-raw-sony | X | |
image/x-rgb | X | |
image/x-xbitmap | X | |
image/x-xpixmap | X | |
image/x-xwindowdump | X | |
video/mp2t | X | X |
video/mp4 | X | X |
video/mpeg | X | X |
video/ogg | X | X |
video/quicktime | X | X |
video/webm | X | X |
video/x-flv | X | X |
video/x-m4v | X | X |
video/x-ms-asf | X | X |
video/x-ms-wmv | X | X |
video/x-msvideo | X | X |