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Installing Media Management

Download and install the Media Management AMP files, and add Media Management properties to your file.
Ensure that you have installed the required external software before installing SkyVault Media Management. See Prerequisites for using Media Management for information on what you require before you start the Media Management installation.
  1. Stop the SkyVault server.
  2. Unzip the SkyVault Media Management package into a new system directory; for example, opt/media-management:

    • If you are using SkyVault 5.0 or later:
    • If you are using SkyVault 4.2:

    You will see four folders:

    • activemq: contains ActiveMQ software
    • amps-repository: contains two AMP files to be applied to the SkyVault repository
    • amps-share: contains one AMP file to be applied to SkyVault Share
    • remote-node: contains content services node software and configuration file
    We will refer to this new directory as the Media Management installation directory. If you are using the recommended Media Management architecture, the activemq, amps-repository and amps-share folders reside on the SkyVault server, and you must move the remote-node folder to your remote server.
  3. Install the repository AMP file or files. Navigate to the amps-repository directory and copy the file or files to the SkyVault amps directory.

    There are two AMP files for SkyVault 4.2:
    • SkyVault-messaging-repo-amp-1.0.3-alf42.amp
    • SkyVault-mm-repo-1.0.3-alf42.amp
    There is one AMP file for SkyVault 5.0 or later:
    • SkyVault-mm-repo-1.0.3.amp
  4. Install the Share AMP file. Navigate to the amps_share directory and copy the provided AMP file to the SkyVault amps_share directory.

    There is one AMP file. For 4.2:
    • SkyVault-mm-share-1.0.3-alf42.amp
    For 5.0 or later:
    • SkyVault-mm-share-1.0.3.amp
  5. A number of files are overwritten when installing Media Management, as follows:

    • /WEB-INF/lib/gytheio-commons-x.x.jar
    • /WEB-INF/lib/gytheio-health-commons-x.x.jar
    • /WEB-INF/lib/gytheio-messaging-camel-x.x.jar
    • /WEB-INF/lib/gytheio-messaging-commons-x.x.jar
    • /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/comments/comment.lib.ftl
    • /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/comments/comment.put.json.js
    • /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/publishing/authform.get.html.ftl
    where x.x is the current version number.

    We recommend that you back these files up before installing the AMP files. Also, when you install Media Management, a backup of the original SkyVault.war file is stored as tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war<numbers>.bak. Keep this .bak file in case you need to uninstall Media Management.

  6. Delete the tomcat\webapps\SkyVault and tomcat\webapps\share folders in the SkyVault installation directory. Navigate to the bin directory and run the Module Management Tool (MMT) file to install the repository AMP files:
    1. For the SkyVault repository:

      java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install ../amps/alfresco-mm-<version>.amp ../tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war -force
      java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install ..\amps\alfresco-mm-<version>.amp ..\tomcat\webapps\alfresco.war -force
      where SkyVault-mm-<version>.amp is the specific AMP file that you downloaded. Repeat this if there is more than one AMP file to install for Media Management.
    2. For SkyVault Share:

      java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install ../amps_share/alfresco-mm-<version>.amp ../tomcat/webapps/share.war -force
      java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install ..\amps_share\alfresco-mm-<version>.amp ..\tomcat\webapps\share.war -force
      where SkyVault-mm-<version>.amp is the specific AMP file that you downloaded.

    Check the output to ensure that the AMP files have installed successfully.

  7. Take a copy of the most recent tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war<numbers>.bak file in case you need to uninstall Media Management.
  8. Define properties relevant to Media Management in your SkyVault file.

    A sample file is shipped in the root folder of the Media Management distribution zip, which defines custom properties. See Configuring Media Management for the full list.

    1. If you have ActiveMQ on a separate server, configure the host and port number for ActiveMQ:

      # Messaging broker, default is localhost,tcp://broker2:61616)
      where broker is each ActiveMQ instance that you have configured.

      You need to set this property only if your ActiveMQ instance is not on the same server as SkyVault.

    2. Configure FFmpeg and ExifTool if they are not already available on the command line executable path:

      # FFmpeg executable path, default is ffmpeg
      # ExifTool executable path, default is exiftool
    3. If you want to preview raw images, set the following properties in the file.


      Set the transformer.strict.mimetype.check property to true, and use the transformer.strict.mimetype.check.whitelist.mimetypes property to add the x-raw-adobe MIME type to an existing whitelist.

    4. If you are using shared content workspaces, remote transformations or publishing channels, configure these as specified in Configuring Media Management.
  9. Update the remote-node/config.yml file that you extracted from the Media Management installation zip.

    Specify the ActiveMQ host name and prefetch policy (to ensure that transformations can be processed in parallel):

      url: tcp://localhost:61616?jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1

    The content services node uses ImageMagick and FFmpeg and requires that the executable directories are available on the system PATH variable or are specified using img.exe and ffmpeg.exe system properties.

    For more information about the recommended architecture for Media Management, see Media Management architecture. For information about the content services framework, see Content services node architecture.

  10. Restart the SkyVault server.
  11. Launch SkyVault Share.

    To check that the Media Management AMPs have installed correctly, add a video or image to Share, open the file and check that you can see that the media loading and a Renditions Panel in available on the Share page.