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Set up your personal dashboard

You can set up your personal dashboard to tailor the view you have, depending on your requirements.

You can:

  • Modify the dashboard appearance – view as one, two, three, or four columns
  • Add and remove personal dashlets
To modify the dashboard appearance and content:
  1. Click Customize Dashboard on the banner.

    Customize User Dashboard

    The Customize User Dashboard page displays.
  2. Click Change Layout to display the available layouts.
  3. Click the graphic or Select for the desired layout. For this scenario, there is no need to modify anything.
  4. Click Cancel.
  5. Click Add Dashlets.

    All available dashlets display.

  6. Click and drag Getting Started to the trash can to remove it.
  7. Use standard drag and drop functionality to move:
    1. My Limited Profile to the top of the left column
    2. My Tasks to the middle of the right column

    Customize User Dashboard: Add Dashlets
  8. Click OK.
The configuration is saved and you return to your updated personal dashboard.