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Renaming library content

You can easily rename library content — folders and items — in the item list. You can do this in both the detailed view and the simple view.
This task assumes you are in the library of the desired site. To perform this task on a folder the Show Folders feature must be enabled.
  1. Navigate the library’s folder structure to locate the content you want to rename.
  2. In the item list position the cursor over the name of the folder or item.

    An icon appears to the left of the name.

  3. Click the Rename icon to enter editing mode.
  4. Change the name as desired and then either click Save or press ENTER.

    Important: When you rename a content item do not change or delete the filename extension.

    The item list displays the updated folder or item name.

    Note: You can also rename a content item or folder by editing its properties.