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Creating a search

The search feature lets you locate content within the current site. You can narrow the results of your query by specifying relevant metadata fields and container types (category, folder, record). Once you create a search query, you can save it to use again.
This task assumes you are on the Search page.
  1. Use the search query syntax to enter a search query in the Query Text box.

    You can select a field name from the Insert Field menu. This inserts the internal name for the field into the query, followed by a colon. Add the search value after the colon. Do not insert a space between the colon and the value.

    You can click the Insert Date icon to select a date from the calendar.

  2. Expand the Results options section and specify the type of content that you want to find.
    1. In the Metadata section, select the metadata fields that you wish to display in the search results. The metadata name becomes a column title in the results table, which can then be sorted.
    2. In the Order section, specify how you want to sort the search results.
    3. In the Components section, select the type of components you want the search to return.
  3. Click Search.

    The search results display in a table on the Results tab.

Clicking New Search returns you to the Criteria tab and clears the search fields, setting them to their default values. This lets you easily create a new search query.