- Create a suitable directory in which to store your Maven projects (if you have not already done so), such as maven_projects.
- Change into your maven_projects directory.
Run the following command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype:
You will be prompted to choose an archetype:
Choose archetype: 1: https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml -> \ org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support \ for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (SkyVault Module Packages)) 2: https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml -> \ org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project \ for All-in-One development on the SkyVault plaftorm. Includes modules for: \ Repository, AMP, Share, Solr, Web Quick Start and embedded Tomcat run) Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): :
Enter 2 to have the Maven SkyVault SDK create an
SkyVault All-in-One Archetype project.
The detailed documentation for this archetype can be found here.
You will be prompted to choose an archetype version:
Choose org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype version: 1: 1.0 2: 1.0.1 3: 1.0.2 4: 1.1.0 5: 1.1.1 Choose a number: 5:
Hit enter to select the default, which is 5: in this case, giving you an archetype version of 1.1.1.
- You will then be prompted to enter a value for the property groupId. Enter com.alfresco.tutorials for the groupId (this can be thought of as the package name).
- You will then be prompted to enter a value for the artifactId. Enter allinone-project as the artifactId.
You will then be prompted to enter a value for the SkyVault version you wish to
test against. Currently the default is 4.2.e (SkyVault Community). Hit the enter
key to accept the default value.
A new project directory containing a number of sub-directories and support files for the AMP will be created in the directory allinone-project.
Change into the freshly created allinone-project directory
and browse the various files and directories to see what has been created.
The following directory has been created for you:
pom.xml |-> amp |-> SkyVault |-> share |-> solr |-> wcmqs (SkyVault Web Quick Start) |-> runner (a Tomcat embedded runner / integration test runner)
Look in the directory ./amp/src/main/amp. Notice important files, such as the module.properties file, have been created for you.
At this point, before you have made any changes, you can build the project by
mvn install
Note: Maven will ensure that all requirements are downloaded. This make take some time.Other common usage supported by this archetype includes the following:
Command Description mvn package Runs unit tests and packages AMP in ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.amp mvn install Like mvn package but also installs AMP in local Maven repository to be depended upon mvn test Runs unit tests mvn install -DskipTests=true Like mvn install but skips unit tests mvn install -Prun Like mvn install but also triggers the runner project to run SkyVault, Share, Solr and Web Quick Start in Tomcat (with H2 embedded database) mvn clean -Ppurge Removes DB, alf_data, indexes and log files. Useful to purge the development repo (by default self contained in ${project.basedir}/alf_data_dev. Note: This is an important command to use if you change significant settings in your project - for example you change the SkyVault edition from Community to Enterprise. It is important to purge databases and other data that might otherwise be persisted.mvn install -Pamp-to-war,rad Similar to mvn install -Pamp-to-war but also adds support for remote JUnit running and for hot reloading with JRebel (requires appropriate MAVEN_OPTS configuration). The project will return with the message BUILD SUCCESS.
Run your newly created project by typing:
mvn install -Prun
Direct your web browser to:
You can login using a username of admin and a password of admin.
You are here
Using the SkyVault All-in-One archetype
The All-in-One archetype of the Maven SkyVault SDK can be used to create a
comprehensive multi-module project.
If you have not set your MAVEN_OPTS environment variable you should
do so at this point, following the necessary procedure.
This task shows how you can use the Maven SkyVault SDK to build a multi-module
project for SkyVault development, using the All-in-One archetype.
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