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Using the SkyVault All-in-One archetype

The All-in-One archetype of the Maven SkyVault SDK can be used to create a comprehensive multi-module project.
If you have not set your MAVEN_OPTS environment variable you should do so at this point, following the necessary procedure.
This task shows how you can use the Maven SkyVault SDK to build a multi-module project for SkyVault development, using the All-in-One archetype.
  1. Create a suitable directory in which to store your Maven projects (if you have not already done so), such as maven_projects.
  2. Change into your maven_projects directory.
  3. Run the following command:

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype: 

    You will be prompted to choose an archetype:

    Choose archetype:
    1: -> \
    org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support \
    for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (SkyVault Module Packages))
    2: -> \
    org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project \
    for All-in-One development on the SkyVault plaftorm. Includes modules for: \
    Repository, AMP, Share, Solr, Web Quick Start and embedded Tomcat run)
    Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): :                    
  4. Enter 2 to have the Maven SkyVault SDK create an SkyVault All-in-One Archetype project.

    The detailed documentation for this archetype can be found here.

  5. You will be prompted to choose an archetype version:

    Choose org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype version: 
    1: 1.0
    2: 1.0.1
    3: 1.0.2
    4: 1.1.0
    5: 1.1.1
    Choose a number: 5:                         

    Hit enter to select the default, which is 5: in this case, giving you an archetype version of 1.1.1.

  6. You will then be prompted to enter a value for the property groupId. Enter com.alfresco.tutorials for the groupId (this can be thought of as the package name).
  7. You will then be prompted to enter a value for the artifactId. Enter allinone-project as the artifactId.
  8. You will then be prompted to enter a value for the SkyVault version you wish to test against. Currently the default is 4.2.e (SkyVault Community). Hit the enter key to accept the default value.

    A new project directory containing a number of sub-directories and support files for the AMP will be created in the directory allinone-project.

  9. Change into the freshly created allinone-project directory and browse the various files and directories to see what has been created.

    The following directory has been created for you:

       |-> amp
       |-> SkyVault
       |-> share
       |-> solr
       |-> wcmqs (SkyVault Web Quick Start)
       |-> runner (a Tomcat embedded runner / integration test runner)

    Look in the directory ./amp/src/main/amp. Notice important files, such as the file, have been created for you.

  10. At this point, before you have made any changes, you can build the project by typing:

    mvn install                        
    Note: Maven will ensure that all requirements are downloaded. This make take some time.

    Other common usage supported by this archetype includes the following:

    Command Description
    mvn package Runs unit tests and packages AMP in ${}/${}.amp
    mvn install Like mvn package but also installs AMP in local Maven repository to be depended upon
    mvn test Runs unit tests
    mvn install -DskipTests=true Like mvn install but skips unit tests
    mvn install -Prun  Like mvn install but also triggers the runner project to run SkyVault, Share, Solr and Web Quick Start in Tomcat (with H2 embedded database)
    mvn clean -Ppurge Removes DB, alf_data, indexes and log files. Useful to purge the development repo (by default self contained in ${project.basedir}/alf_data_dev.
    Note: This is an important command to use if you change significant settings in your project - for example you change the SkyVault edition from Community to Enterprise. It is important to purge databases and other data that might otherwise be persisted.
    mvn install -Pamp-to-war,rad Similar to mvn install -Pamp-to-war but also adds support for remote JUnit running and for hot reloading with JRebel (requires appropriate MAVEN_OPTS configuration).

    The project will return with the message BUILD SUCCESS.

  11. Run your newly created project by typing:

    mvn install -Prun            
  12. Direct your web browser to:


    You can login using a username of admin and a password of admin.