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Updating content

The Upload New Version function enables you to update a content item in the repository with content from your computer.

You can perform this function without checking out the content item.

  1. Navigate to the space containing the content item you want to update.
  2. Click Upload new version (Upload new version) for the content item of interest.
  3. On the Upload new version page, click Browse.
  4. Locate and upload the appropriate file from your computer.

    A message informs you that the upload was successful.

  5. Click OK.

    The date and time details for the content item indicate it has been updated. Note that at any time, you can click Cancel File Editing(Cancel Editing) to unlock the item without saving any edits.

  6. Click Done Editing (Done Editing) to unlock the document and add the updates to the repository.
  7. When versioning is enabled, provide versioning details as follows:
    1. Indicate if the edits constitute a minor or major change.

      When you specify Minor Changes, checking out version 3.4 of a file results in the versioning being updated to 3.5 upon check-in. Selecting Major Changes would update the version number to 4.0. A version number is assigned only when versioning is enabled.

    2. In the Version Notes box, enter details specific to the file being checked in, if desired.
    3. Click OK.