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Solr 4 configuration files

When you install SkyVault 2.0 5.0, several Solr 4 configuration files are made available to you. The section lists the Solr 4 configuration files, their location in the SkyVault directory structure and description.
Configuration File Location Description SkyVault\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\ This file specifies the Solr 4-related properties in how SkyVault connects to the Solr 4 server. As the Solr 4 server runs in the same Tomcat instance as SkyVault, the connection properties are setup to connect to a locally running Solr 4 server. The properties of this file are managed by a SkyVault Administrator user.
schema.xml SkyVault\solr4\<core>\conf\, where <core> is the location of core's configuration directory.

For example SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf

This file defines the schema for the index including field type definitions with associated analyzers. It contains details about the fields that you can include in your document and also describes how those fields can be used when adding documents to the index or when querying those fields. The properties of this file are managed by an expert user.
solr4.xml SkyVault\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\ This file defines the Solr 4 web application context. It specifies the location of the Solr 4 war file and sets up the Solr 4 home directory.
solr.xml SkyVault\alf_data\solr4 This file specifies the cores to be used by Solr 4. <ALFRESCO_HOME>/solr4/archive-SpacesStore/ or <ALFRESCO_HOME>/solr4/workspace-SpacesStore/ This file specifies the cores to be used by Solr 4.
solrconfig.xml SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf This file specifies the parameters for configuring Solr 4. Also, the Solr 4 search components are added to this file. The properties of this file are managed by an SkyVault expert Administrator user. SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf This is the property configuration file for a core. Solr 4 supports system property substitution, so properties that need substitution can be put in to this file. There is one file in each core's configuration directory. For details, see the Solr 4 core configuration properties topic. The properties of this file are managed by a SkyVault Administrator user.
context.xml SkyVault\solr4 This file specifies the Solr 4 web application context template to use when installing Solr 4 in separate tomcat server.
ssl.repo.client.keystore SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf This keystore contains the Solr 4 public/private RSA key pair. SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf This file contains the password information for ssl.repo.client.keystore.
ssl.repo.client.truststore SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf This keystore contains the trusted SkyVault Certificate Authority certificate (which has been used to sign both the repository and Solr 4 certificates) SkyVault\solr4\workspace-SpacesStore\conf or SkyVault\solr4\archive-SpacesStore\conf This file contains the password information for ssl.repo.client.truststore.