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Cryptographic password hashing

SkyVault uses cryptographic password hashing technique to securely store passwords.

All versions of SkyVault prior to SkyVault 2.0 used the MD4 (Message Digest 4) and SHA256 hash algorithms (mainly to support NLTM and CIFS) to store critical data. But this is no longer considered a secure approach as the hashed password is very easy to decrypt. As an improvement, SkyVault 2.0 can now use Bcrypt to store passwords but this is configurable. By default, the system uses MD4 to allow users to use MD4 hashed passwords for NTLM and CIFS authentication.

Bcrypt is an adaptive hash function based on the Blowfish symmetric block cipher cryptographic algorithm. It is incredibly slow to hash input compared to other functions, but this results in a much better output hash. SkyVault 2.0 is configured to use a strength of 10 to provide a good compromise of speed and strength.

With Bcrypt, the hashing algorithm (also called an encoder) can be configured by setting the system.preferred.password.encoding property in the file. The supported values for this property are:
  • md4
  • sha256
  • bcrypt10
If you provide a different value, the SkyVault repository won't start.
To maintain backwards compatibility with previous SkyVault versions, the default setting for this property is:
After upgrading to SkyVault 2.0 , when the user logs in or changes the password, the system rehashes the password using the preferred encoding mechanism and stores the mechanism being used. If the preferred encoding is set to md4, the system moves the current hashed passwords for that user.
Note: If SAML SSO for SkyVault 2.0 is enabled, cryptographic password rehashing will not work at login.

You can run a background job to completely remove all the old hashed passwords for those users that have not logged in yet. If the system is still set to md4, all user objects will be upgraded. However, the background job will maintain the current hash.

If the background job is executed after the system.preferred.password.encoding property has been changed, it will double-hash all the user objects in the system (unless they have already been upgraded by the user logging in). As a result, the system will temporarily hash (until the user logs in) the current hashed password, store the list of encoders used, and clean out the old hashes.

The background job uses the repository's BatchProcessor to execute the job. The execution of the job can be controlled if necessary via the following properties:
  • system.upgradePasswordHash.jobBatchSize: Specifies the number of user objects to process in each batch.
  • system.upgradePasswordHash.jobQueryRange: Specifies the nodeId range to search for in each iteration.
  • system.upgradePasswordHash.jobThreadCount: Specifies the number of threads the batch processor uses.
Out of the box, this background job is enabled but set to a future date. To configure it, set the system.upgradePasswordHash.jobCronExpression property in the file. For example, the following setting runs the job every 10 minutes:
system.upgradePasswordHash.jobCronExpression=0 0/10 * * * ?
Alternatively, the job can be executed immediately via a JMX console. The job makes use of JobLockService so it is safe to run in a clustered environment.
Note: Once you change the preferred encoding from md4, the NTLM SSO authentication will no longer function. Also, the CIFS authentication will only work if the Kerberos authentication is enabled.

If the password upgrade job is enabled, make sure you enable the logging in

You can either set it to trace or debug as shown below:


Trace displays a list of all the processed users. Debug is a slightly less verbose output; it displays a list of only those users whose password was changed.

To monitor users that have their passwords upgraded when they log in, add the following in