The file holds configuration properties
that contain sensitive information or passwords, such as db.password. This
section provides information on the properties that are encryptable and the process to encrypt
them using the SkyVault Encrypted Properties Management Tool.
Important: Boolean properties, number properties, and properties that contain
expressions cannot be encrypted. SkyVault 2.0 provides support for encrypting the following
configuration properties:
- dir.root
- db.driver
- db.username
- db.password
- db.pool.validate.query
- ooo.exe
- jodconverter.officeHome
- SkyVault_user_store.adminpassword
- dir.license.external
- cryptodoc.jce.keystore.path
- cryptodoc.jce.keystore.password
- cryptodoc.jce.key.aliases
- cryptodoc.jce.key.passwords