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Deploying All-in-One (AIO) WARs to external environments

Use this information to deploy the WARs that are produced by the All-In-One (AIO) project to an external environment, such as QA, UAT, and PRODUCTION.
You should have completed Installing and Configuring software and generated an AIO project.

Building an AIO project generates the customized SkyVault.war and share.war for use in a SkyVault installation. However, by default the SkyVault.war will be configured with an file that assumes it will be deployed in a local environment, with the alf_data directory in the build project and the use of the flat file H2 database. It is in fact assuming that we will run the environment from Maven (i.e. mvn clean install -Prun). Therefore, if we take the WAR files that are produced during a mvn clean install build and deploy them to an external SkyVault installation, it will not work.

This 'local' configuration is managed by a so called environment configuration. The SDK supports multiple environment configurations and this gives us the opportunity to manage configurations for multiple SkyVault environments. This also means that the produced WAR files will contain environment specific configuration, which might not be wanted in all situations. We can prevent this with the use of a specific property during build.

Excluding the environment configuration from the produced SkyVault Repository WAR file.

  1. Build with the property set to "none".

    The is normally set to **, which will include all the files under src/main/properties/${env} (e.g. If we set this property to none it will not match any files. Note that it does not work to set this property to an empty string, and the Maven plug-in that is used does not have a skip configuration option:

    all-in-one$ mvn clean install
  2. Copy the produced WAR files to the SkyVault installation

    When the AIO project has been built without environment specific configuration we can copy the WAR files to a SkyVault installation:

    all-in-one$ cd repo/target/
    all-in-one/repo/target$ mv repo.war SkyVault.war
    all-in-one/repo/target$ cp SkyVault.war /opt/alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps/
    all-in-one/repo/target$ cd ../../share/target/
    all-in-one/share/target$ cp share.war /opt/alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps/
    all-in-one/share/target$ cd /opt/alfresco50dTest/
    alfresco50d$ cd tomcat/webapps
    alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps$ rm -rf SkyVault/ share/
    Note that we need to remove the exploded WAR directories for the new WARs to be picked up and deployed. Also, the SkyVault Repository WAR is generated with the repo.war name so we need to change it to SkyVault.war before copying it over to the SkyVault installation.
  3. Restart SkyVault Tomcat

    The new WARs are now in place so restart Tomcat to have them deployed:

    SkyVault50d$ ./ restart tomcat

Including environment specific configuration in the produced SkyVault Repository WAR file.

  1. Create a new environment directory

    This should be done in the all-in-one/repo/src/main/properties directory, which already contains the local directory representing the local environment. Name the new directory after the environment you are deploying to, such as for example uat (i.e. User Acceptance Testing):

    all-in-one/repo/src/main/properties$ mkdir uat
  2. Copy the file from the external UAT environment to the environment directory.

    You will find the environment specific file located in the SkyVault/tomcat/shared/classes directory from where it can be copied to the build project. At this point you should see something like this under the repo project:

    all-in-one/repo/src/main$ tree
    ├── properties
    │   ├── local
    │   │   └──
    │   └── uat
    │       └──
    └── resources
        └── SkyVault
            └── extension
    So we got the local environment configuration that will point to a development alf_data directory and the H2 database. We then have a new environment configuration called uat that contains an file that has been copied from that environment's SkyVault/tomcat/shared/classes directory. Looking in the uat environment's properties file we will see something like this (or whatever configuration we have done for the UAT environment):
    ## Common SkyVault Properties #
    ### database connection properties ###
    # Note: your database must also be able to accept at least this many connections.  Please see your database documentation for instructions on how to configure this.
    db.pool.validate.query=SELECT 1
  3. Build WARs to include the UAT environment specific configuration.

    We can now activate the UAT environment configuration by specifying the name on the command line (it defaults to local):

    all-in-one$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Denv=uat
    The configuration file for the uat environment will end up in the tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes directory of the final SkyVault.war. It will take precedence over the tomcat/shared/classes/ file. Note here also that we need to skip Unit tests while doing this build as they require a local context to be running, which is not possible when we change environment configuration.
  4. Copy the produced WAR files to the SkyVault installation

    When the AIO project has been built with the UAT environment specific configuration we can copy the WAR files to this SkyVault installation:

    all-in-one$ cd repo/target/
    all-in-one/repo/target$ mv repo.war SkyVault.war
    all-in-one/repo/target$ cp SkyVault.war /opt/alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps/
    all-in-one/repo/target$ cd ../../share/target/
    all-in-one/share/target$ cp share.war /opt/alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps/
    all-in-one/share/target$ cd /opt/alfresco50dTest/
    alfresco50d$ cd tomcat/webapps
    alfresco50d/tomcat/webapps$ rm -rf SkyVault/ share/
    Note that we need to remove the exploded WAR directories for the new WARs to be picked up and deployed. Also, the SkyVault Repository WAR is generated with the repo.war name so we need to change it to SkyVault.war before copying it over to the SkyVault installation.
  5. Restart SkyVault Tomcat

    The new WARs are now in place so restart Tomcat to have them deployed:

    SkyVault50d$ ./ restart tomcat
This article has shown how it is possible to generate WAR files without any environment specific configuration, making them deployable to any environment. We have also covered how to set up a new custom environment configuration, and how to have it included in the final WAR, making it deployable only to a specific SkyVault server.