Update the top AIO project file.
Setting the SDK Version to 2.1.0.
In the IDE, open up the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml project file. Scroll down so you see the parent section. Then update it to look as follows:
<parent> <groupId>org.alfresco.maven</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-sdk-parent</artifactId> <version>2.1.0</version> </parent>
Add a new property for the SkyVault Share Webapp location.
In the same project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then update it with this extra property:
<properties> . . . <!-- The SkyVault Share web application is accessible via this URL --> <share.client.url>http://localhost:8080/share</share.client.url>
Add a new property for the SkyVault RM Module version (OPTIONAL).
If the Records Management (RM) module is used then add a property specifying the RM version that should be used. In the properties section add this extra property:
<properties> . . . <alfresco.rm.version>2.3</alfresco.rm.version>
Add a build section to enable some plugins.
In the same project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the dependencyManagement end tag. Then add the following build section after it with the yuicompressor-maven-plugin to enable JS compression and the SkyVault-maven-plugin to enable webapp RAD development:
. . . </dependencyManagement> <build> <plugins> <!-- Compress JavaScript files and store as *-min.js --> <plugin> <groupId>net.alchim31.maven</groupId> <artifactId>yuicompressor-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>org.alfresco.maven.plugin</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Remove the Records Management (RM) profile.
In the same project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the profiles section. Then remove the profile with the rm id (identifier). The RM module is added via the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo/pom.xml and the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/pom.xml project files. See further down in these instructions for more information.
Update the name of the Solr module.
SDK version 2.1.0 comes with support for Solr 4, which is deployed directly from the maven artefact. The maven module just contains Solr 4 configuration information and because of this has changed name from solr to solr-config, so we need to update to the new name. In the same project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the modules section. Update it so it looks like this:
. . . <modules> <module>repo-amp</module> <module>share-amp</module> <module>repo</module> <module>solr-config</module> <module>share</module> <module>runner</module> </modules>
Note. You might have added extra modules that are not part of the AIO artefact, don't remove these modules from the definition.
Update the Repository Webapp (alfresco.war) Project file
Remove the Records Management (RM) profile.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo/pom.xml scroll down to the profiles section. Then remove the profile with the rm id (identifier). The RM module is now instead added permanently as a dependency and overlay.
Add a Records Management (RM) Module Dependency to Repository WAR
If the RM module is used, then it is now added permanently to the project instead of via profile activation. Add a dependency for it as follows. In the IDE, open up the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo/pom.xml project file. Scroll down so you see the dependencies section. Then add the following dependency:
<dependencies> . . . <dependency> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-rm</artifactId> <version>${alfresco.rm.version}</version> <type>amp</type> </dependency>
Add a Records Management (RM) Module Overlay Repository WAR
If the RM module is used, then it is now added permanently to the project instead of via profile activation. Add an overlay configuration as follows. In the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo/pom.xml project file scroll down so you see the overlays section. Then add the following overlay at the end:
<overlays> . . . <overlay> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-rm</artifactId> <type>amp</type> </overlay> </overlays>
Make sure the Repository is using the Solr 4 subsystem
When running all the web applictions during testing the repository webapp (alfresco.war) is reading its configuration from the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo/src/main/properties/local/alfresco-global.properties file. We need to update it so it uses Solr 4, the following properties should be changed:
index.subsystem.name=solr4 solr.backup.alfresco.remoteBackupLocation=${dir.root}/solr4Backup/SkyVault solr.backup.archive.remoteBackupLocation=${dir.root}/solr4Backup/archive
Update the Repository AMP Project file
Remove the property used to specify the artifact ID for the SkyVault WAR.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo-amp/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then remove the property called SkyVault.client.war. This property is now called app.amp.client.war.artifactId and defaults to SkyVault, so no need to set it in the repo-amp project file. This property is used when you run with the -Pamp-to-war profile.
Add a Records Management (RM) classes Dependency (OPTIONAL)
If the RM module is used, then it is now added permanently to the project instead of via profile activation. So to get access to the RM classes add a dependency as follows. In the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo-amp/pom.xml project file scroll down so you see the dependencies section. Then add the following dependency:
<dependencies> . . . <dependency> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-rm</artifactId> <version>${alfresco.rm.version}</version> <classifier>classes</classifier> </dependency>
Remove the Records Management (RM) profile.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/repo-amp/pom.xml scroll down to the profiles section. Then remove the profile with the rm id (identifier). The RM classes are now instead added permanently as a dependency.
Update the Share Webapp (share.war) Project file
Add a properties section with a new property for the SkyVault Repository location.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/pom.xml add the following properties section just after the parent section:
. . . </parent> <properties> <!-- Used in share-config-custom.xml when testing. By default points to standard location (local) of SkyVault Repository --> <alfresco.repo.url>http://localhost:8080/alfresco</alfresco.repo.url> </properties>
Move share-config-custom.xml from share-amp to share.
The share configuration file has moved from the share AMP sub project to the share WAR project. This is because it contains generic configuration such as where the Repository is running and RAD related configuration. Move the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share-amp/src/test/resources/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml file to the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension location. Then update the web-framework configuration so it looks like this:
<web-framework> <autowire> <!-- Changing this to 'development' currently breaks the Admin Console. Instead we make a POST to clear Share dependency caches, see 'clear-caches-refresh-ws' profile. --> <mode>production</mode> <!-- not really need in the long run, used for YUI - deprecate --> </autowire> <!-- We don't need to do this when we have the new refresh mojos in the SkyVault plug-in. If resource caching has been disabled then all the dependency caches will be cleared before processing the Aikau jsonModel request... (i.e. this.dojoDependencyHandler.clearCaches() ) For more information see the Aikau source code: https://github.com/Alfresco/Aikau --> <disable-resource-caching>false</disable-resource-caching> </web-framework>
Remove the Records Management (RM) profile.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/pom.xml scroll down to the profiles section. Then remove the profile with the rm id (identifier). The RM module is now instead added permanently as a dependency and overlay.
Add a Records Management (RM) Module Dependency to Share WAR
If the RM module is used, then it is now added permanently to the project instead of via profile activation. Add a dependency for it as follows. In the IDE, open up the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/pom.xml project file. Scroll down so you see the dependencies section. Then add the following dependency:
<dependencies> . . . <dependency> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-rm-share</artifactId> <version>${alfresco.rm.version}</version> <type>amp</type> </dependency>
Add a Records Management (RM) Module Overlay to Share WAR
If the RM module is used, then it is now added permanently to the project instead of via profile activation. Add an overlay configuration as follows. In the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/pom.xml project file scroll down so you see the overlays section. Then add the following overlay at the end:
<overlays> . . . <overlay> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-rm-share</artifactId> <type>amp</type> </overlay> </overlays>
Update the Share AMP Project file
Change the name of the property used to specify the artifact ID for the Share WAR.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share-amp/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then change the name of property called SkyVault.client.war to its new name app.amp.client.war.artifactId. It defaults to SkyVault so we need to override it here with the value share. This property is used when you run with the -Pamp-to-war profile.
Remove the property used to specify the location of the SkyVault Repository Webapp.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share-amp/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then remove the property called SkyVault.repo.url. This property is only used by the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share/pom.xml project in an All-in-One extension project.
Remove the property used to specify the port number for embedded Tomcat.
In the project file {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share-amp/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then remove the property called maven.tomcat.port. This property is only used by the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/runner/pom.xml project when starting an embeeded Tomcat instance. Default port number is configured to 8080 in the parent SDK pom.
Add dependencies for TestNG and Share Page Object classes.
In version 2.1.0 of the SDK there are two new profiles called regression-testing and functional-testing that uses Page Objects (PO) to do functional testing of the Share Web application. We need to add all dependencies needed for these tests. In the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/share-amp/pom.xml project file scroll down so you see the dependencies section. Then add the following dependencies:
<dependencies> . . . <!--=============================================================== The following dependencies are needed to be able to compile the custom functional tests that are based on Page Objects (PO) ===============================================================--> <!-- Bring in the Share Page Objects (PO) used in our functional tests. It contains page objects such as LoginPage --> <dependency> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>share-po</artifactId> <version>${alfresco.version}</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <!-- Bring in the Share Page Object (PO) Tests that comes with SkyVault. It has the org.alfresco.po.share.AbstractTest class that our custom tests extend. --> <dependency> <groupId>${alfresco.groupId}</groupId> <artifactId>share-po</artifactId> <version>${alfresco.version}</version> <classifier>tests</classifier> <scope>test</scope> <!-- Exclude version 2.39.0 of selenium that does not work with latest FF browsers, we include version 2.45 later on here --> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-server</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <!-- Bring in newer selenium version --> <dependency> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> <version>2.45.0-alfresco</version> </dependency> <!-- Test NG is defined with test scope in share-po, so need it here too --> <!-- SkyVault code creates a wrapper around Test NG --> <dependency> <groupId>org.alfresco.test</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-testng</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> <scope>test</scope> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.hamcrest</groupId> <artifactId>hamcrest-core</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> </dependencies>
Replace Modules and Scripts
Replace the runner module.
The project configuration for the runner module has changed quite a bit in version 2.1.0 of the SDK. And there should not be much custom configuration done to it. So it make sense to take the runner module from a newly generated 2.1.0 AIO project and replace the 2.0.0 runner module with it. So follow these instructions to generate an AIO project based on the 2.1.0 archetype. Then delete the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/runner module/directory from the All-in-One project. Now copy the {newly generated 2.1.0 AIO}/runner module into the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/runner location.
The new runner module probably does not have the same parent configuration as your {AIO_PROJECT_PATH} project. So open up the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/runner/pom.xml file and make sure the parent section is correct.
If you have made changes to the virtual web application context because you have added more AMPs to the AIO project, then see these instructions for how to update the 2.1.0 runner context.
Replace the solr module.
The project configuration for the solr module has changed completely from bringing in the complete Solr 1.4 web application to just bringing in the Solr 4 configuration. So it make sense to take the solr-config module from a newly generated 2.1.0 AIO project and replace the 2.0.0 solr module with it. So follow these instructions to generate an AIO project based on the 2.1.0 archetype (if you have not already done it). Then delete the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/solr module/directory from the All-in-One project. Now copy the {newly generated 2.1.0 AIO}/solr-config module into the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/solr-config location.
The new solr-config module probably does not have the same parent configuration as your {AIO_PROJECT_PATH} project. So open up the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH}/solr-config/pom.xml file and make sure the parent section is correct.
If you have made changes to the Solr configuration, such as adding a synonyms list, then you will have to update the solr-config project with these changes.
Replace run scripts.
Version 2.1.0 of the SDK have changes to the Linux run scripts and have new run scripts for Windows. So it make sense to take the new scripts from a newly generated 2.1.0 AIO project and replace the 2.0.0 scripts with them. So follow these instructions to generate an AIO project based on the 2.1.0 archetype (if you have not already done it). Then just copy over the {newly generated 2.1.0 AIO}/run.* scripts to the {AIO_PROJECT_PATH} directory, overwriting the run.sh script.
Remove the alf_data_dev directory.
It is not possible to do an incremental H2 database schema update. The complete alf_data_dev directory needs to be deleted before you run the application again.