Setting the SDK Version to 2.1.0.
In the IDE, open up the {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml project file. Scroll down so you see the parent section. Then update it to look as follows:
<parent> <groupId>org.alfresco.maven</groupId> <artifactId>alfresco-sdk-parent</artifactId> <version>2.1.0</version> </parent>
Remove the property used to specify the webapp path for the SkyVault Share web application.
In the project file {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then remove the property called SkyVault.client.contextPath. This property is now called share.client.contextPath, and it is already set to /share in the SDK parent POM, so no need to set it here.
Update the name of the property specifying Share Webapp aritifact ID.
In the project file {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the properties section. Then change the name of the property called SkyVault.client.war to app.amp.client.war.artifactId.
Add a build section to enable the JS Compression plugin.
In the same project file {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH}/pom.xml scroll down to the dependencies end tag. Then add the following build section after it with the yuicompressor-maven-plugin to enable JS compression:
. . . </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <!-- Compress JavaScript files and store as *-min.js --> <plugin> <groupId>net.alchim31.maven</groupId> <artifactId>yuicompressor-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Update share-config-custom.xml to enable better RAD.
Open the {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH}/src/test/resources/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml file and update the web-framework configuration so it looks like this:
<web-framework> <autowire> <!-- Changing this to 'development' currently breaks the Admin Console. Instead we make a POST to clear Share dependency caches, see 'clear-caches-refresh-ws' profile. --> <mode>production</mode> <!-- not really need in the long run, used for YUI - deprecate --> </autowire> <!-- We don't need to do this when we have the new refresh mojos in the SkyVault plug-in. If resource caching has been disabled then all the dependency caches will be cleared before processing the Aikau jsonModel request... (i.e. this.dojoDependencyHandler.clearCaches() ) For more information see the Aikau source code: https://github.com/Alfresco/Aikau --> <disable-resource-caching>false</disable-resource-caching> </web-framework>
Update the Tomcat virtual webapp context file.
Open the {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH}/tomcat/context.xml file. Change it to look like this for best RAD experience:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- =================================================================================================================== This context file is used only in a development IDE for rapid development, it is never released with the SkyVault.war =================================================================================================================--> <!-- Setup docBase to something like share-amp/target/share-amp-war and path to /share --> <Context docBase="${app.amp.client.war.folder}" path="${share.client.contextPath}"> <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext" extraResourcePaths="/=${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}/web" /> <!-- Configure where the Share (share.war) web application can load classes, test classes, and config --> <!-- Setup the virtual class path like this: 1) target/classes 2) target/${project.build.finalName}/config 3) target/test-classes This way mvn compile can be invoked and all changes will be picked up --> <Loader searchVirtualFirst="true" className="org.apache.catalina.loader.VirtualWebappLoader" virtualClasspath="${project.build.outputDirectory};${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}/config;${project.build.testOutputDirectory}" /> <!-- This enables hot reloading of web resources from uncompressed jars (while in prod they would be loaded from WEB-INF/lib/{\*.jar}/META-INF/resources --> <JarScanner scanAllDirectories="true" /> </Context>
Replace run scripts.
Version 2.1.0 of the SDK have changes to the Linux run scripts and have new run scripts for Windows. So it make sense to take the new scripts from a newly generated 2.1.0 Share AMP project and replace the 2.0.0 scripts with them. So follow these instructions to generate a Share AMP project based on the 2.1.0 archetype. Then just copy over the {newly generated 2.1.0 Share AMP}/run.* scripts to the {SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH} directory, overwriting the run.sh script.
You are here
Upgrading a Share AMP project from SDK 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
These instructions will walk through what is needed when upgrading a Share AMP project
from using SDK version 2.0.0 to using SDK version 2.1.0.
There are multiple ways to go about an SDK upgrade. These instructions assume that
you have a Share AMP project where the source code is managed by a Software
Configuration Management (SCM) system such as Git or Subversion. And you cannot just
through away the history of this project, you need to upgrade "in-place". On the other
hand, if your project is small, and you don't mind starting with a new project in the
SCM, it might be easier to just generate a new project
from the Share AMP 2.1.0 SDK archetype and move the code and other changes over to it
from the SDK 2.0.0 project, but this method is not covered in this article.
Note: In the
following instructions the SHARE_AMP_PROJECT_PATH variable denotes
the path to where you have your Share AMP project folder. So, for example, if your
Share AMP project was generated in the
C:\alfresco-extensions\acme-share-amp directory, then this
directory path is the value of this variable.
Important: Make sure you have made a complete backup of your project before
you start the upgrade process!
Your Share AMP project should now be fully updated to use the 2.1.0 version of the SDK.
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