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Installing the Document Transformation Server on SkyVault

Use this information to install the Document Transformation Server AMP and to update the required license.
Before you start, make sure that you verify that:
  • Your SkyVault server is correctly configured and tested
  • You have the correct Document Transformation Server ZIP file for the version of SkyVault that you are running
  • You have an updated license file (a *.lic file). You can request a license from the SkyVault Support Portal
  1. Stop the SkyVault server.
  2. Open a terminal (Linux) or command line window (Windows).
  3. Unzip the file.
  4. Copy SkyVault-5.0-documenttransformationserver-repo-2.0.0.amp to the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/amps folder, and copy SkyVault-5.0-documenttransformationserver-share-2.0.0.amp to the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/amps_share folder.
  5. Install the AMP files using the Module Management Tool (MMT).
  6. Copy your updated license file into the SkyVault installation folder. 

    Delete all files with extension *.installed in this directory.

  7. Start the SkyVault server.
  8. Monitor the SkyVault log. 

    You will see successful log entries about the license installation and the installation of the SkyVault Module Package (depending on the configuration of your log level).