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Deconstructing the sample files

The Sample Files provide a useful starting point for creating your own audit applications.

There are two Audit Application sample files in ./tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/audit:

  • SkyVault-audit-example-login.xml.sample
  • SkyVault-audit-example-extractors.xml.sample

See the documentation on Using the auditing sample files.

Note: It is usual to put each audit application in its own file. The sample files however do combine more applications for ease of reference.

The following sections deconstruct the contents of the sample files.

The login example (SkyVault-audit-example-login.xml.sample)

Audit Configuration

The Audit Configuration section the Audit Configuration:

    xsi:schemaLocation=" SkyVault-audit-3.2.xsd"

Data Extractors

The data extractor section describes any data extractors to be used to extract the value from the audit data. In this case the SimpleValue extractor provided out of the box:

    <DataExtractor name="simpleValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.simpleValue"/>

Data Generators

This section of the configuration defines the data generator to be used. In this case the personFullName generator is specified. This will activate when an inbound mapped path is present, but is not dependent on the value on that path. For example, AuditExampleLogin2 triggers the personFullName generator when the authenticate/no-error path is present; this records the full name of the currently-authenticated user even though the inbound data for authenticate/no-error is null:

   <DataGenerator name="personFullName" registeredName="auditModel.generator.personFullName"/>

Path Mappings

This section defines the Path Mappings. Path Mappings map events into applications. The source event is linked to the audit application key specified in the target attribute. In effect the format for target is <application_key/audit_path_key>. So, taking the first path mapping, /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate events are mapped to the login audit path key of the auditexamplelogin1 application (the applications are specified next in the file and you will need to examine these in order to understand path mappings). If you look at the definition of AuditExampleLogin1 you will see it has the audit path key "login" (<AuditPath key="login">). Now, the source event /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate may have "sub events" such as error and no-error, for example: /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate/error. What this means is that for the application AuditExampleLogin1 it will record the username for both successful and unsuccessful logins. Notice however, that the path mapping for AuditExample2 is different. The source is /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate/no-error, so only this event will be mapped into the application, specifically to the audit path with the key "login". The effect of this is that only successful logins will be recorded.

        <PathMap source="/alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate" target="/auditexamplelogin1/login"/>
        <PathMap source="/alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate/no-error" target="/auditexamplelogin2/login"/>

Audit Application

Here, one or more audit applications are defined. See also the previous section for discussion on Path Mappings. Path Mappings are important to understanding how applications work. This audit application will record username for successful and failed logins.

    <Application name="AuditExampleLogin1" key="auditexamplelogin1">
        <AuditPath key="login">
            <AuditPath key="no-error">
                <RecordValue key="user" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexamplelogin1/login/args/userName"/>
            <AuditPath key="error">
                <RecordValue key="user" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexamplelogin1/login/args/userName"/>

Audit Application

Another audit application definition. See also the previous section for discussion on Path Mappings. This audit application will record full name for only successful logins.

<Application name="AuditExampleLogin2" key="auditexamplelogin2">
    <AuditPath key="login">
        <GenerateValue key="user" dataGenerator="personFullName"/>

The data extractors sample (SkyVault-audit-example-extractors.xml.sample)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

   An example of how user login details can be captured.                                                                                                                                    

    xsi:schemaLocation=" SkyVault-audit-3.2.xsd"

       <DataExtractor name="simpleValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.simpleValue"/>
       <DataExtractor name="nullValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.nullValue"/>
       <DataExtractor name="nodeNameValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.nodeName"/>
       <DataExtractor name="nodeTypeValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.nodeType"/>

        <PathMap source="/alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createNode" target="/auditexampleextractors"/>

    <Application name="AuditExampleExtractors" key="auditexampleextractors">
        <AuditPath key="create">
            <AuditPath key="in">
                <RecordValue key="a" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/parentRef" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
                <RecordValue key="b" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/nodeTypeQName" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
                <RecordValue key="c" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/assocTypeQName" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
                <RecordValue key="d" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/assocQName" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
            <AuditPath key="out">
                <RecordValue key="a" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/result" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
            <AuditPath key="derived">
                <RecordValue key="parent-node-null" dataExtractor="nullValue"     dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/parentRef" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
                <RecordValue key="parent-node-name" dataExtractor="nodeNameValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/parentRef" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
                <RecordValue key="parent-node-type" dataExtractor="nodeTypeValue" dataSource="/auditexampleextractors/args/parentRef" dataTrigger="/auditexampleextractors/no-error"/>
