You can set up a range of menus, each one containing various options (or view types), from specific sites or searches through to individual files or folders.
For example you could set up a profile for your Sales team, so that when they use SkyVault Mobile they can drill straight into pricelists and sales tools without having to search for them. Another profile might give your IT team quick access to any outstanding Support tasks they have.
- view-id = required and user-defined
- label-id = optional and used for display in the SkyVault Mobile menu
- description-id = optional
- type = required and pre-defined
"views" : { "<view-id>": { "label-id": "<label-id>", "description-id": "<description-id>", "type": "<view-type>" "params": { } }
So for example, you could create an Activities menu item that links straight to the activities on your Sales team site.
"views" : { "<view-activities-sales>": { "label-id": "<Activities>", "type": "org.alfresco.client.view.activities" "params": { "siteShortName": "SalesTeam" } }
Most of these support pagination so that you can customize the number of items displayed. Sync doesn't support pagination.
"views" : { "<view-id>": { "type": "<view-type>", "params": { "pagination": { "maxItems": 1, "skipCount": 1 } } } }