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Step 8. Setting up the SkyVault Analytics listeners

Specify your server settings in the Analytics message listener file.
  1. Navigate to the event-listeners/bin Analytics installation directory and open the file.

    This file contains commented statements that you can uncomment and edit to reflect your environment; for example, the default location of your DI database (as specified in the previous topic).

    You can review the default settings in Do not edit the file directly, instead use to override values safely.

    The listeners are Spring Boot applications, and can be customized to meet individual requirements. See the Spring Boot Reference Guide for more information.

  2. If you are using MySQL, copy the database driver file, mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar, to the event-listeners/lib/db directory.
  3. Check that the setting has been applied successfully by starting a listener instance (./ start) and checking the log file (for example, listener-db-events.out) in the event-listeners/logs directory.