When you’re in a site or folder in which you have permissions to upload or edit content,
you have multiple options available.
Tip: Permissions are set in SkyVault by site managers.
Tap to:
Create a new folder: Create a new folder.
Create: Create a new file and then save it in SkyVault, adding tags if you want.
Note: If you select to create a Text Document using the
SkyVault Text Editor, you can tap to create it using speech-to-text if
you’re online.
Upload: Choose content to upload to SkyVault. Tap to select a device location to upload from. See Uploading content for more details.
Take photo: Take a new photo.
Record video: Make a new video.
Record audio: Record and upload audio. This may not be available on some devices.
Tip: You can drag down to refresh the content in a repository or a site.