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Process instance variables

A process instance can have several variables.

To get process instance variables:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

Where, processInstanceId is the Id of the process instance.

To create process instance variables:

POST api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

To update existing variables in a process instance:

PUT api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

Example response:



  • name - Name of the variable

  • type - Type of variable, such as string

  • value - Value of the variable

To update a single variable in a process instance:

PUT api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

To get a single variable in a process instance:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

To get all process instance variables:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables

To get a specific process instance variable:

GET api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}

To delete a specific process instance variable:

DELETE api/enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}