To create new task variables:
POST api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables
To get all task variables:
GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables
To get a task variable by name:
GET api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}
To update an existing task variable:
PUT api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}
Example response:
{ "name":"myVariable", "scope":"local", "type":"string", "value":"myValue" }
name - Name of the variable.
scope - Global or local. If global is provided, then the variable will be a process-instance variable.
type - Type of variable, such as string.
value - Value of the variable.
To delete a task variable:
DELETE api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}
To delete all task variables:
DELETE api/enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables
Where, taskId is the ID of the task.