POST api/enterprise/tasks/query
which includes a JSON body containing the query parameters. Following parameters are available:
text (the task name will be filtered with this, using like semantics : %text%)
assignee : where the current user is the assignee
candidate: where the current user is a task candidate
group_x: where the task is assigned to a group where the current user is a member of. The groups can be fetched through the profile REST endpoint
no value: where the current user is involved
state (completed or active)
sort (possible values are created-desc, created-asc, due-desc, due-asc)
start (for paging, default 0)
size (for paging, default 25)
Example response:
{ "size": 6, "total": 6, "start": 0, "data":[ { "id": "2524", "name": "Task", "description": null, "category": null, "assignee":{"id": 1, "firstName": null, "lastName": "Administrator", "email": ""}, "created": "2015-01-08T10:58:37.193+0000", "dueDate": null, "endDate": null, "duration": null, "priority": 50, "processInstanceId": "2511", "processDefinitionId": "teststep:3:29", "processDefinitionName": "Test step", "processDefinitionDescription": null, "processDefinitionKey": "teststep", "processDefinitionCategory": "", "processDefinitionVersion": 3, "processDefinitionDeploymentId": "26", "formKey": "5" } ... ] }