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Engaging with users

There can be many users of a system, so it's likely there will be some users whose activities will be of more importance to you. You can choose to follow these users so that you can easily keep track of what they've been doing.
  1. If you aren't already on it, then click Site Dashboard.
  2. Click the sorting menu on the Site Activities dashlet.

    By default it shows My activites, but you can see that there are other options available including to only show activity from people I'm following and to show Everyone's activities.

    To follow another user you just need to visit their profile. You can do this by clicking on their name in the Site Activities dashlet or by searching for them in the Members area of the site. You can see in the Site Members dashlet that no other users have accepted their invitations yet, so you'll need to search for pending users.

  3. Click Members at the top of the site dashboard.

    This opens the Members area where you can search for other site members.

  4. Click Pending Invites, to display the users you've invited to join the site.
  5. Click on one of the displayed names - if you used the sample user then click on Alice Beecher.

    This opens up the user profile.

  6. Now just click the Follow button and you are now following the user.
  7. Click More at the top of the screen, then My Sites.
You'll see that the top of the page shows how many people you're following. Now just click on the Marketing Content site to go back to the site dashboard.
This video shows the steps in the tutorial.