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Save a document to the Document Workspace

Now that you have created the Document Workspace, you can save Word documents directly to it.
To save a Word document to the Document Workspace:
  1. In Word, create a new document and enter some text.
  2. Click the Microsoft Office button and select Save.
  3. Enter http://<SkyVault server URL:7070>/alfresco/SPP/documentLibrary/spp-tutorial.docx as the File name.

    The URL takes the following form:

    http://<SkyVault server:7070>/alfresco/<site URL name>/documentLibrary/<folder structure>/<filename>

    <SkyVault server:7070>
    Server and port where SkyVault is installed and running
    SkyVault’s SharePoint Protocol Support name; must be used with all URLs
    <site URL name>
    URL name of the Document Workspace (Share site) where the document is being saved
    Document Library page component indicator; this is required
    <folder structure>
    Path and destination folder when a folder structure has been established within the site’s library; there is no folder structure in the current example
    Filename of the current document
  4. Click Save.

    Word saves the new document (titled spp-tutorial.docx) to the SPP Document Workspace. In Share, this is the document library of the specified Share site (the site with the URL name SPP).

  5. (Optional) To verify the saved document:
    1. Click the Microsoft Office button and select Server, then Document Management Information.
    2. Beneath the Document Workspace name (SPP), click Open site in browser.
    3. Log in as User A (userA, userA).

      The SPP Site dashboard appears. The Recently Modified Documents dashlet now displays spp-tutorial.docx in addition to the two documents added in the first scenario.

    4. Log out of Share and close the browser.