- Select the folder in the site library where you want to add the content.
Click Create.
You can see a number of different types of file that you can create.
Select the type of Google Docs file you want to create.
Important: The first time you access Google Docs you have to authorize SkyVault Share to use your account. After responding to the prompts a message lets you know that the authorization was successful.
SkyVault Share stores your Google Docs account information. You will need to authorize this each session, but you won't have to re-enter your credentials each time.
If your browser asks you to allow popups for Google Docs then go ahead and do so. If you're using Safari you won't be able to use Google Docs until you enable all popups in the Settings, so for security reasons you may prefer to use a different browser.
Google Docs opens with standard Google Docs functionality available, including the menu, the toolbar, and the features to add comments and share.
Enter some content in the text area.
Note: The file is saved to Google Docs, and locked in SkyVault Share until you check it in.
When you're done, close the Google Docs browser tab.
In SkyVault Share you'll see the file displays the
icon to show that it's open in Google Docs.
- In SkyVault Share, click More then Check In Google Doc.
Now hover over the new item, click
, and type a new name for the item then press ENTER.